
250ml输液瓶瓶胚单模多腔注塑模具设计 毕设计论文.doc

250ml输液瓶瓶胚单模多腔注塑模具设计 毕设计论文.doc

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250ml输液瓶瓶胚单模多腔注塑模具设计 毕设计论文

250ml输液瓶瓶胚单模多腔注塑模具设计 摘 要 注射成型是生产塑料制品的最有效的方法,产量占塑料成型一半以上。现如今输液瓶大部分已换成塑料制品,塑料的输液瓶制作是用注塑成型的方法。本次设计是完成250ml输液瓶瓶胚一模12腔注塑模具设计,主要内容包括塑件材料的成型工艺性分析、根据塑件选择分型面、浇注系统的设计、冷却系统的设计、成型零部件的设计及侧向抽芯分型机构等的设计。进一步加强了对注塑模具设计基础的了解,也为设计复杂的注塑模具积累了经验。 通过对250ml输液瓶瓶胚的模具设计使我掌握注塑模具的一般步骤和规律。本次设计的重点是侧向分型抽芯机构的设计,因为输液瓶瓶胚瓶口有两个凸出的部分,所以要不损伤塑件就要在设计中加入侧向分型抽芯机构。本次设计的难点是建模及其运动仿真,从这里能看出模具设计的是否合理和怎样运动的。 模具的标准化:标准模架和标准零件,可以满足大批量制造模具制造周期的需要,为了适应模具工业的发展我国的模具标准化程度在不断提高。现如今塑料模具设计大部分用于自动化大批量生产,取胚采用机器手取胚。为了满足塑件在各种工业产品中的使用要求,塑料成型技术朝着复杂化、紧密化、大型化方向发展。 关键词:输液瓶瓶胚;注塑模;模具设计;标准化 250ml infusion bottle preform design of single-mode multi-cavity injection mold Abstract Plastic injection molding is the production of the most effective way, accounted for more than half of plastic molding. Now most of the infusion bottle to replace the plastic products, plastic bottle infusion method is injection molding. This design is completed for a 250ml infusion bottle preform mold 12 cavity injection mold design, plastic materials, mainly including the forming process analysis, based on selected sub-surface plastic parts, injection system design, cooling system design, molding zero Part of the design and side core design of type institutions. Further strengthen the foundation for understanding injection mold design, but also for the design of complex injection mold accumulated experience. 250ml infusion bottle through the preform injection mold design and mold me to grasp the general steps and rules. The design focuses on the side core pulling mechanism type design, because the infusion bottle bottle preform has two protruding parts, so the injury either in the design of plastic parts will add side parting core pulling . The design of the difficulty is modeling and simulation, can be seen from this mold design is reasonable and how to exercise Mould Standardization: standard mold base and standard parts, high-volume manufacturing to meet the needs of mold manufacturing cycle, in order to meet the mold industry standardization of the m


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