
2×300MW火力发电厂设计 毕业计(论文).doc

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2×300MW火力发电厂设计 毕业计(论文)

广东工业大学 华立学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 2×300MW火力发电厂设计 论文题目 2×300MW火力发电厂设计 学 部 机电与信息工程学部 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 班 级 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 2013年5月 摘 要 随着我国经济发展,对电的需求也越来越大。电作为我国经济发展最重要的一种能源,主要是可以方便、高效地转换成其它能源形式。电力工业作为一种先进的生产力,是国民经济发展中最重要的基础能源产业。而火力发电是电力工业发展中的主力军,截止2006年底,火电发电量达到48405万千瓦,越占总容量77.82%。由此可见,火力电能在我国这个发展中国家的国民经济中的重要性。 该设计主要从理论上在电气主接线设计、短路电流计算、电气设备的选择、配电装置的布局、防雷设计、发电机、变压器和母线的继电保护等方面做详尽的论述,并与火力发电厂现行运行情况比较,同时,在保证设计可靠性的前提下,还要兼顾经济性和灵活性,通过计算论证火电厂实际设计的合理性与经济性。采用软件绘制了大量电气图和查阅相关书籍,进一步完善了设计。 关键词:主接线设计,短路电流,配电装置,电气设备选择,继电保护 Abstract With the developing of economy in our country, we need more and more Electricity energy. The Electricity is the most important energy of economic development which can be conveniently and efficiently converted into other forms of energy. The Electricity industry as a advanced produced energy. It is the most important basic energy industry. And the thermoelectricity is the main energy in the Electricity industry .Until the end of 2006,power Electricity produce is 48405 kilowatt, occupied 77.82 percent in the entire capacity. So thermoelectricity energy plays an important role in our country which is a developing country. In this design, I will mainly discuss main electric connection design, short circuit account, electric equipment choice, electric equipment layout, lightning strike defending design, electrical machine, transformer and generatrix protective relaying detailedly in theory and comparing with the power plant, while ensuring the reliability of the design, under the premise we should also take into account economic and flexibility demonstrated by calculating the effective thermal power plant design and reasonable economy. During my counting and demonstrating, in order to consummate my design, I will protract a great lot of electric engineering-pictures following the new criterion of electric engineering-enchiridion. Key


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