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本科学生毕业论文 “哈尔滨地铁集团”VI设计方案 系部名称: 人文科学系 专业班级: 艺术设计 B05-61班 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: The Graduation Design for Bachelors Degree “Harbin Metro Group” Visual Identity art design Candidate: Specialty: Art Design Class: B05-61 Supervisor: 摘  要 随着生活水平的不断提高,人们不再满足于公交车、私家车等出行方式,更多的追求的是一种便捷、和谐、环保和速度……地铁作为令人最为轻松的出行形式,可以提供安全舒适科学的交通环境,让人们享受到出行的快乐。 地铁与其他交通工具相比,除了能避免城市地面的拥挤和充分利用空间外,还具有运量大、速度快、无污染、准时、方便、舒适等优点。因而,它日益受到人们的青睐,发展态势迅猛。目前全世界已有100多座城市开通了300多条地铁线路,总长度超过6000公里。 本文针对哈尔滨地铁集团视觉形象识别问题进行了说明,全文共分三大章。首先,绪论部分讲述了我在本次哈尔滨地铁集团VI设计方案研究开发的意义,以及当今世界轨道交通发展状况、VI设计需要解决的问题与所要达到的目标,第二章讲述了对于哈尔滨地体集团现状分析和VI设计方案的作用,包括哈尔滨地铁集团的经营理念、服务方向、集团形象文化。第三章着重陈述了哈尔滨地铁集团视觉形象识别系统设计的流程,其中包括标志从开始创作到确定正稿的过程、基础系统部分的创意设计、应用系统部分当中的创意设计。 关键词:地铁;VI设计;视觉形象;文化 Abstract    With the continuous improvement of living standards, people are not satisfied with buses, private cars, such as travel, the pursuit of more is a convenient, a harmony, a kind of environmental protection, and speed ... ... as is most easily travel form, the MTR should be in a safe and scientific premise, let people enjoy the fun of travel. Metro compared with other modes of transport, in addition to the city ground to avoid congestion and make full use of space, also has large capacity, fast and pollution-free, time, convenience, comfort, etc., thus, it is increasingly popular, developed rapidly. At present, more than 100 world cities have opened more than 300 subway lines, the total length of more than 6000 km. This article is divided into three chapters. First of all, the introduction on my part at the Harbin Metro Group VI Design of the significance of the research and development programs, as well as the development of rail transportation in todays world situation, VI design issues that need to be resolved to achieve the goal, the second chapter describes the terrain of Harbin Group VI the status quo analysis and the role of design, i


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