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Wild China (Tasting Notes) South of the Bohai Gulf Part 2 Warming Up Do you know their names? have you ever heard them? Background Information Chinese mitten crab Chinese mitten crab , named for their strange hairy claws. Background Information Dongtan bird reserve is located at the east of Chongming island. New words Expressions Marsh [mɑ??] n. 沼泽;湿地 Antler [?ntl?] n. 鹿角,茸角;多叉鹿角 Pere Davids Deer 四不像, 麋鹿 Stag /st?ɡ/ n. 成年雄鹿 Garland [‘gɑ?l?nd] n. 花环 vt. 戴花环 Fawn [f??n] n. 幼鹿 Wean [wi?n]vt. 使断奶;使断念;使放弃 n.(苏格兰)幼儿 Key Points 13. Passing the Milu Deer Reserve at Dafeng, they are approaching another salt marsh which will provide the perfect conditions for them to spend the winter. 越过大丰县的麋鹿保护区逐渐接近另一处盐沼,这里将提供它们避冬的完美场所。 Passing the Milu Deer Reserve at Dafeng现在分词短语作时间状语,相当于一个时间状语从句,逻辑主语为they。可理解为“when they pass the Milu Deer Reserve at Dafeng ” Key Points 14. The hardy cranes can cope with winter temperatures which may drop below freezing. 耐寒的鹤群能抵挡严寒低温,有时或许降至零度以下。 cope with 近义词:manage; deal with freezing:n. 冰点 eg: Its 15 degrees below freezing. 温度是零下15度。 adj. 冰冷的 感觉受冻的 eg: The cinema was freezing. 电影院里冰冷冰冷的。 You must be freezing, she said. “你一定冻坏了吧,”她说。 Key Points 15. At this point, many of the migrating bird flocks are barely halfway along their southward journey. 此时多数的迁徙鸟群它们的南行之旅还有大半旅程。 Barely: adv. 仅仅,勉强 近义词为just, only Key Points 16. In spite of being the subject of an ambitious clean-up plan, today the river is reckoned to be the biggest single source of pollution entering the Pacific Ocean. 尽管被规划为伟大清理计划的目标,今日长江被视为太平洋最大的单一污染源头。 Reckon: 测算,估计;认为;计算 We reckon him to be the best goalkeeper in the world. 我们认为他是世界上最好的足球守门员。 entering the Pacific Ocean现在分词短语作定语修饰pollution Key Points 17. Barges loaded with building materials constantly arrive in the citys docks, feeding one of the greatest construction booms in the world. 平底货船载着建材来往穿梭在市区码头,迎合世界上最伟大的建筑盛况。 feeding one of the greatest construction booms in the world现在分词短语做目的状语,相当于一个目的状语从句 Key Points 18. all in preparatio


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