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毕业设计(论文) 三维模型浏览工具软件设计与开发 学 院 计算机与电子信息学院 专 业 计算机科学与技术 班 级 2009级2班 学 号 09307300307 姓 名 指导老师 2013年05月25日 摘要 随着计算机技术的快速发展,计算机图形学也日趋成熟,二维图形技术已经不能满足人们需求,三维图形技术应运而生。三维图形技术的立体真实感显示使之渐渐成为图形领域的主流,至此三维图形标准也应运而生,OpenGL就是其中最具代表性的,良好的接口和设备无关的特性,已成为各大IT厂商的宠儿。 基于OpenGL技术,许多优秀的三维绘图软件也相继推出,像3D MAX、Pro/E、UG、SolidEdge等,它们逼真的造型给人们的工作和生活带来了极大的便利和乐趣,并且随着网络技术的推广和普及,各种文件格式的三维模型库也越来越充实,充分利用这些模型库会给我们的工作带来事半功倍的效果。因此,本文旨在开发一个能够浏览现在较为流行的3DS格式文件的小软件,为用户提供一个方便的三维浏览器工具。 针对现在流行的一些三维浏览器功能繁杂、体积庞大的劣势,将着重点放在程序的简单实用上,本着能满足用户使用需求的前提下,尽量使操作简单明了。同时由于该软件体积小,功能单一,并且基于服务器的形式开发,希望能够以第三方插入的形式,为一些流行的软件提供服务。 关键词:OpenGL 计算机图形学 3DS 三维模型 浏览器 Browse dimensional model design and development of software tools Abstract With the rapid development of computer technology, computer graphics matures, two-dimensional graphics technology can not meet peoples needs, the three-dimensional graphics technology came into being. Three-dimensional realism of 3D graphics technology gradually become the mainstream in the field of graphics have emerged, bringing the three-dimensional graphics standard OpenGL is one of the most representative of the characteristics of a good interface and device-independent, has become a major IT vendors the darling. OpenGL-based technology, excellent 3D graphics software is launched, such as 3D MAX, Pro / E, UG, SolidEdge, realistic shape to peoples work and life has brought great convenience and fun, and with the network technology and the popularization of various file formats 3D model library is also more and more substantial, take advantage of these model library will give our work a multiplier effect. Therefore, this paper aims to develop a view now more popular 3DS format files software, to provide users with a convenient 3D browser toolbar. Now popular 3D browser capabilities complicated, bulky disadvantage, with the focus on the program is simple and practical, under the premise of the


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