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英语句子成分The students of Class Two are?seriously reading the book?written by Lu Xun.按句子成分划分,此句为:The students? of Class Two? are? seriouslyreadingthe book? written by Lu Xun.( )???( )? ( ) ( ) ( )?( )?? ( )按意群划分,此句为:The students of Class Two? are? seriously reading? the book? written by Lu Xun.?一、英语各种成分的基本含义及用法(一)、主语主语是全句谈论的中心话题。我们在说一句话的时候,首先要明确我们讲的是“哪个人”?或者是一件“什么事”?或者是一件“什么物体”,等。这些代表“哪个人”、“什么事”、“什么物体”等的部分就是句子的主语。?主语是指句子的某个部分,它可能是一个词,也可能是一个词组,还有可能是一个从句,甚至一句话中会有几个并列的主语等等。所以,英语中很多词类(或词组、从句)都可以做主语。另外,英语中还有一种特殊的主语形式叫“形式主语”,例如:It .... that ...句式等。?1. Peter is a well-known pianist. (作主语)?2. Two-thirds of the students are boys in our school. ( 主语)?3. He likes reading storybooks. (作主语)?4. To swim in Kunming Lake is a great pleasure. (作主语)?5. What we shall do next is not yet decided. (作主语)?6. It took us two hours to travel around the city by subway. (It 是, 是真正的主语)例:指出下列句中主语的中心词。1. The teacher with two of her students is walking into the classroom.2. There is a bird flying in the sky.3. The useful dictionary was given by my mother last year.4. It is very difficult to do todays homework without your help.5. His swimming across the river is considered to be a great success.(二)、谓语? 在明确了主语后,我们再来说谓语。谓语是用来回答、说明、解释主语“做什么”、“是什么”、“怎么样”等的部分。英语句子中,除少数情况外,谓语必须是动词。而且,除了倒装等特殊情况外,谓语的位置相对来说是固定的,它总是位于主语的后面。?1. His parents are teachers. (系动词和表语一起作谓语)2. We study hard. (行为动词作谓语)3. We have finished reading the book. (助动词和行为动词一起作谓语)4. He can speak English. (情态动词和行为动词一起作谓语)什么是系动词?系动词亦称联系动词(Link Verb),作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语,构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。常见的系动词有be, look, feel, sound, taste, smell, seem, become ,get, grow, come , turn,fall, remain, stay , keep, continue.例:指出下列句中谓语的中心词。1. I dont like the picture on the wall.2. The days get longer and longer when summer comes.3. Do you usually go to school by bus?4. Did the twins have bread for their breakfast?5. What I want to tell you is this.????? (三)、宾语从语法角度说,及物动词后面要接宾语 (介词后也有宾语) 。从意义上来说,宾语是动作的对象、目标。宾语是对谓语动词的进一步说明和解释。1. We o


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