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医学英语概述 What is Medical English 医学英语是科技英语的一个分支, 其基本语法、词汇与公共英语是一致的, 具有特定的词汇结构体系、语法规则和 文体结构。医学英语要求叙述严谨、词 汇涵义明确,因此具有一些有别于公共 英语的特殊性。 Differences compared to Public English 词汇来源的多样性 名词复数的复杂性 旧词新意 语法句式的多元性 1.The Diversity of Etymology 拥有大量的拉丁语、希腊语来源的专业词汇,而且可以互相交叉应用。 中文 拉丁语 希腊语 皮下的 subcutaneous hypodermic 肾上腺素 adrenalin(e) epinephrine 2.The Complexity of Plural ①医学名词常用其外来复数形式 单数 词源 复数 变化过程 diagnosis Greek diagnoses -is → -es appendix Latin appendices -ix →-ices edema LGK edemata -ma → -mata tempo Italian tempi -o → -i 2.The Complexity of Plural ②当一个名词常同时有外来复数与英文规则复数,外来复数在正式文体中特别是科技用语中较常见,而英文规则复数则在日常医学英语中更常见。 ③有的词的外来复数与英文正规复数的意义不同,如: antenna → antennas 天线; antenna → antennae 昆虫的触角。 3.Same Words, Different Meanings cell (电池~细胞) tissue(薄绸~组织) organ(风琴~器官) delivery(投递~分娩) digest(汇编~消化) sign (记号~体征) 4.Specific Grammar ①叙述严谨,限制条件多。 Thus dilution ,by water, air or other media, which reduces the number of pathogenic bacteria taken into the body below the minimal number necessary to infect, explains why infections and particularly those entering by respiratory tract, are less likely to be contracted in the open air than under conditions of overcrowding indoors. 4.Specific Grammar ②为了简洁,常采用被动语态及应用名词作定语构成复合词形式,如: cancer patient(patient with cancer) blood vessel wall(wall of the blood vessel) This Presentation consists of the following 2 parts: 医学英语起源 (The Etymology of Medical English) 医学词汇构词法 (Structure of Medical Vocabulary) The Etymology of Medical English Brief History of Modern English Old English (450 -1100) The Norman Conquest and Middle English (1100 -1500) Early Modern English (1500 -1800) Late Modern English (1800 - Present) The Etymology of Medical English Brief History of Modern English Old English (450 -1100) The Angles, Saxons, and Jutes from northern Germany, Denmark and northern Holland invaded British Isles and began to populate those areas. The original, Celtic-speaking inhabitants → out of what


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