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The Vampire Diaries----Script---S01 EP09 -teacher:?Today were going to talk about shadow reckoning.This is a method of measuring heights by the suns shadow. method:?方法?measure:?测量 Lets say, for example, that were going to measure the distance of the shadow. Were gonna take this measurement here, measure the length, and were going to multiply that by the height of the source.length:?长度?multiply:?乘?source:?原型-Bonnie:?Hello? -Emily:?Please help me. -Bonnie:?Who are you? -Emily:?Im Emily. You know that. Were family. -Bonnie:?Where am I? -Emily:?This is where it started. And this is where it has to end. -Bonnie:?No. This isnt real. -Emily:?Help me. -Bonnie:?What are you looking at? Turn around. -Elena:?Have you even talked to Bonnie? -Caroline:?No. Im mad at her. She needs to make the first move.她要先来跟我说话才对。mad: (口)极为愤怒的 -Elena:?Be the bigger person. 做个更宽容的人。-Caroline:?Impossible in her presence. presence:?态度 -Elena:?Why are you so pissed at her, anyway? piss: (俚语)抱怨 -Caroline:?Shes a thief. Thats why. I gave her my necklace, and she refuses to give it back.Its a matter of principle.这是原则问题。 -Elena:?All right. Well, I tried. Im officially out of it. 我保持中立。 -Caroline:?Good. Your turn.Wheres Stefan? Have you talked to him? -Elena:?Hes avoiding me. -Caroline:?Why? -Elena:?Its complicated.Ill see you later. -Mr. Saltzman:?Good morning, everyone. Already. Its a mouthful我知道有点拗口。. I know. Doesnt exactly roll off the tongue.说出 Saltzman is of German origins.My family immigrated here in 1755 to Texas.I, however, was born and raised in Boston.Now, the name Alaric belongs to a very dead great-grandfather.I will never be able to thank enough. 我对他感激不尽。 Youll probably want to pronounce it Ala-ric, but its A-lar-ic, Ok?So you can call me Rick. Im your new history teacher.-Damon:?Rise and shine. Youll be late for school. rise and shine:?【快起啦】 -Stefan:?What are you... what are you doing? -Damon:?Peace offering. Come on. You need it for blood circulation. Does dead flesh go


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