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* EQ:IQ Success comes with a high EQ Moudel 5 Unit13 Lesson1 What does EQ stand for ? Emotional Quotient tells you how well you use your smartness You are on an airplane that begins to rock from side to side. What do you do? a) Pay little attention. b) Read the emergency instructions card. c) feel nervous and unsure of what to do. d) pray to God. a=10, b=20, c= 10, d= 0 Do this test to find out your score on page91. Then compare and discuss your results with a partner. 2. You are a gift student who always gets As in exam. but you have just found out you got a C in a recent test. What do you do? Analyse your problems and come up with a plan to improve your grade. b) Promise to do better in the future. c) Tell yourself this course does not really matter and concentrate on other courses. d) Go and see your teacher and try to talk him or her into giving you a better grade. a= 20, b=0, c=0, d=0 3. You and your parents have got into an argument during a discussion. What is the best thing to do? Take a break and then continue with the discussion. Stop the discussion and go silent. d) Stop for a moment, collect your thoughts and then state your case as precisely as you can. a=20, b=0, c=0, d=0 c) Say you are sorry and ask your parents to apologise too. *


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