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Th e music was written by Abing, a folk musician who was born in the city of Wuxi in 1893. Just one year later, his mother died. Abing’s father taught him to play many musical instruments, such as the drums, dizi and erhu, and by age 17, Abing was known for his musical ability. However, after his father died, Abing’s life grew worse. He was very poor, caught a serious illness and became blind. For several years, he had no home. He lived on the streets and played music to make money. Exercise 1-5BCBBC 6-10CBABC 11-15BCCCC 16-20AABCB 21 500 22 friends 23 fruits 24 look after 25 salespeople 1 population 2 famous 3 themselves 4 a 5 called/named 6 but 7 in 8 things/stories 9 able/invited 10 Welcome 1 visited 2 at 3 save 4 tickets 5 quickly 6 ourselves/us 7 took 8interested 9 night 10 though 1 Unless 2 encourage/invite/ask 3 planted 4 rather 5 if 6 down 7 well 8 important 9 off 10 by 4or 5 spend 6 because 7 for 8 from 9 questions 10 you Grammar: 情态动词表推测 must (有100%的把握)肯定推测; 一定 may 不确定的推测;也许 could/might更为不确定的推测 大概 can’t(有100%的把握)否定推测,一定不 疑问猜测 can/could(疑问句中) 1-5BACBC 6-10AABAC 11-15CABBB 16-18 AA 1 drew/painted 2 doctors 3 to 4 people /we 5 build /make6 But 7 even/much 8 before 9 us/people 10 smiling 1 only 2 drawn\painted 3 mouth4 before 5 much 6 for 7 him 8 a /my9 artists 10 call 1 winner 2 famous/considered/regarded 3 means 4 to 5 writing 6 first 7 like 8 what 9 much 10 after Grammar: 情态动词表推测 must (有100%的把握)肯定推测; 一定 may 不确定的推测;也许 could/might更为不确定的推测 大概 can’t(有100%的把握)否定推测,一定不 疑问猜测 can/could(疑问句中) 另外: 1. must 必须 mustn’t 禁止,不允许 needn’t 不必 don’t have to 不必 例: We must follow the school rules. We mustn’t go through the red traffic lights. 2.can能 ① can’t 不能(表能力) ②can 能 (表邀请) 例: I can swim, but you can’t. Can you come to my party? 3.may 可以(表允许) May I come in? 4. could 能(表请求) (也是can的过去式) Could you help me? 5. should应该/shouldn’t 不应该(表建议、责任;义务) Unit 9 I like music that I can


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