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阅读方法指导 初读,大胆预测文章内容 带着问题读课文 快速浏览与仿写… 打电话用语 如何请某人来听电话呢?如果你想打电话找Peter,说:你好,请帮我找一下Peter!正确的表达是“speak to … 在正式场合或你希望礼貌一些,我们说:May I speak to Peter, please? 怎么用英语表达 我是Peter,正确的表达是This is speaking Let’s practice 师生、生生对话 Read the text Task: 1 、 Read and underline ill bad cold headache 2、猜测文章大意 Phrase Take me to the hospital Have a cold/headache Worry about Questions Is Kate ill today ? Can Kate go to school ? Does Kate have a headache? 带着问题快速阅读,四人小组讨论汇报答案。 Read the text and fill in the blanks Let’s watch Practice T. Let’s do some exercises.? 一、根据情景,选择合适的句子.? (1)当你在电话中想表达“我是Kate”时,你说________???????????????? ? A. I’m Kate.???????? ? B. This is Kate speaking.? (2)当你想表达“我得了重感冒”时,你说________?????? ? A. I have a headache. ? B. I have a bad cold.? (3)当你想表达“今天不能上学了”,你说_________????????? ? A. I’m ill today!????? ? B. I can’t go to school today. (4)当你想表达“我今天生病了”,你说_________?????? ? A .I’m ill today .???? ? B. I have a headache.? Listen and repeat Dialog What’s your name ? What class are you in? How are you? I’m ill today. I have a fever. 关爱身边亲友的健康 你对身边同学、朋友和家人的健康,怎样表达关切之情。 爸爸妈妈或亲友病了,一句问候的话语、短信,一杯热茶,帮忙做家务等。 Homework 1、用简单的英语给老师打电话请假 2、 Listen and speak(拓展练习) Listen and speak A: Hello, may I speak to Rose,_______? B: This is Rose speaking. A: Hi, Rose. This is Lisa. ___________. _______________. I ____ a headache, too. So I can’t go to the_____ club with you. B: Oh, I’m sorry. Take good care of yourself. A:_________ very much. Useful phrases: I’m ill today . I have a bad cold. Thank you music * No.19 Middle School How are you? A: May I speak to Miss Liu, please? B: This is Liu speaking. A: Good morning, Miss Liu. This is Kate._____________. _____________. B: Oh dear ! _________ A: Yes,_________. B: You should go to see a doctor. A: Yes. My mum will take me to the hospital. I’m ill today . I have a headache Do



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