Health Online at Medline Plus健康在线数据库和.ppt

Health Online at Medline Plus健康在线数据库和.ppt

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Health Online at Medline Plus健康在线数据库和

Health Online at Medline Plus A SeniorNet Workshop SeniorNet is a service program of the Lutheran Service Society of Western Pennsylvania What are the top 5 uses of the Internet by seniors?* Send receive e-mail (93%) Research hobbies (58%) Get the news (55%) Seek specific info on health wellness (53%) Check the weather 50% What benefit does health education have for seniors? “Health education is one of the factors that have decreased the number of senior citizens who are chronically disabled and require nursing-home care.” Proceeding fo the National Academy of Science, 2003 Where can I go online for health education and information? There are many sites Check file extensions to understand who is sponsoring the site One of the best is Medline Plus What is Medline Plus? Medline Plus is the official website of the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health. Medline Plus consistently provides reliable and objective information about health care. How do other websites qualify as links to Medline Plus? Medline Plus contains numerous links to other websites providing health and medical information. Medline Plus uses a strict set of criteria to determine is a website should be linked. The criteria are found under Selection Guidelines on the homepage. Where is Medline Plus located? Medline Plus is located at: or What will I find at Medline Plus? Information Instructions Help and Advice News Links to other health-related sites How should I use the information I find at Medline Plus? The information you find on Medline Plus is intended for educational use only and is not intended to replace advice of a health care professional. Please consult your physician before you make any changes to your health care plan. How is Medline Plus Organized? The Medline Plus homepage is organized into three major sections. How is Medline Plus Organized? Section #1 (homepage left) Health Topics Drug Information Me


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