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毕业论文 太原市大学生职业生涯规划与其性格色彩关系的调查报告 摘 要 现如今,越来越多的大学生对于自己,对于自己的工作,对于自己的未来一筹莫展.我们的研究就是出于这种目的,希望帮助广大的大学生们了解到自己的性格色彩以及自己对于自己职业规划的把握,能够在职业选择的过程中有一个比较明确的方向。从而也提高了大学生的就业率以及对自己以后工作中的成就也有一个很好的把握。通过整理统计研究,我们了解到不同性格的大学生对于自己工作的选择有着比较大的出入,而性别以及所学专业的差异,也对自己的职业规划,产生了比较大的影响。 本文分为四个部分,第一部分引言,主要详述了研究此项课题的目的以及意义,就是为了让大学生们更能够了解自己的性格,为自己的未来更有目的地去努力。第二部分关于大学生职业规划与性格色彩关系的分析,主要详述了通过对问卷的分析,从性格色彩的判定以及性格色彩与职业选择来具体分析。第三部分结论,主要针对第二部分的分析结果来提出结论。第四部分建议,是针对研究课题的分析而分类出的。 关键词: 性格色彩;职业选择;职业规划 Abstract Currently,an increasing number of university students are pessimistic about themselves,their jobs and future thus our research exactly aims at addressing the problem and assisting university students in being aware of their personality colors,having a good group of their career plans and possessing,unambiguous directions in the process occupational selection ,which does more good than harm to the improvement of professional quality by doing so .Not only can the employment rare of graduates can be greatly enhanced, but make achievement in their careers as well.Though, collection reorganization and research,we draw the conclusion that personality serves an essential role in the vocational choice and the difference in gender and major also plays a part in graduates occupational planning. This paper consist of four parts,the first of which is introduction detailing the purpose of this topic and it is significance in order to make students and understand their own personality and what they would like to achieve by making efforts.The second part is concerning the analysis of the relationship between graduates career planning and personality colors,which specifies the analysis of the questionnaire is mainly detailed,from the personality color and occupation choice .The third part of the conclusion,mainly according to the second part of the analysis results to sum up.The last part is the suggestion of the research ,and the classification of the research subject is proposed. Keywords: personality colors; occ


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