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Tenafly Public Schools Index波特纳夫莱公立学校指数课件
Waves PhysicsMrs. Coyle Coyle, Greece 2005, North Aegean Sea Waves and their characteristics Velocity of a wave Types of waves Oscillation Object moves back and forth about an equilibrium position. Pulse: A single disturbance travelling through a medium. /~qchen/P102/labs/LAB5.HTM Wave Train (Travelling Wave or simply wave): A series of pulses at regular intervals. /~hopcroft/Research/resonator_images/sin_mov1.gif Wave on a String (Applet) /sims/wave-on-a-string/wave-on-a-string_en.html Graph of Displacement vs Time Displacement vs Distance Traveled Speed of a Wave, v v= d/t v = l/T v =lf Types of Waves Transverse Longitudinal Transverse The particles vibrate perpendicular to the direction of the waves propagation (ex: waves along a string, electromagnetic waves). Example: S Earthquake Wave /~braile/edumod/waves/Swave_files/image001.gif Longitudinal Waves The particle displacement is parallel to the direction of wave propagation (ex: sound) Torsional Waves Video link on Web : Collapse of Takoma Narrows Bridge, Washington State, 1940 /watch?v=shX4Q0QV8VI Elliptical Waves Result when longitudinal and transverse waves are superpositioned. (ex: surface water waves) Ocean Wave /~crawford/phy361_sp10/home.html Ocean Wave Note Waves transfer of energy from one point to another. Waves do not transfer matter. Mechanical Waves Electromagnetic Waves Types of Waves Mechanical Waves require a medium. Examples: Water waves(?Tsunami) Sound waves (v= 340 m/sec in air but varies for different media) Earthquake waves Electromagnetic Waves do not require a medium and can travel through the empty space (vacuum). Example:? Light from the sun travels through space and reaches us. Note: All EM waves have a speed through vacuum of 3 x 108?m/sec. Problem 1 What is the distance a sound wave in air traveled in 2 sec?Answer: 680m/s Problem 2 What is the frequency of a light wave of wave length 550x 10-9 m? Answer: 5.5 x 10 14 H
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