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USA:Bryson Waldo方案 MP 30mg/kg/dose Pred 2mg/kgQod 1mg/kgQod,5月 -------0.5mg/kgQod,6月 (max80) (max40) (max20) CsA 6mg/kg (max300) 3mg/kg (max150)11月 WK 1 2 3 8 9 美罗华治疗难治性肾病4例 先天遗传性疾病的治疗 CyA exerts an antiproteinuria effect by preventing the degradation of the actin organizing protein synaptodpodin and by a downregulation of TRPC6. This mechanism leads to the stabilization of the actin cytoskeleton in the kidney podocytes. By effecting changes in glomerular hemodynamics This beneficial effect of CyA is interesting, but long-term results regarding function and nephrotoxicity are still missing. 出诊时间: 周二、四上午 小儿肾病综合征诊治进展 北京军区总医院附属八一儿童医院 肾病免疫科 黄建萍 诊断标准: 水肿、可凹性, 体腔积液 尿泡沫多、或有血尿 大量蛋白尿:定性+++24小时定量50mg/kg 低蛋白血症:血浆白蛋白30g/L 高胆固醇血症:(5.72mmol/L、220mg/dl) 不同程度水肿 G滤过膜通透性 血浆白蛋白丢失 临床征候群 多种病因 进展在哪里? 一.病因 原发:小儿时期原发性占90% 儿童发病率:1–3/10万 累及发病:16/10万 激素敏感: 90% 激素耐药: 10% 面临并发症及ESKD的危险 随访10年:30–40%进入ESKD 先天或遗传: 逐渐受到重视 继发:乙肝、狼疮、紫癜;类风湿、血管炎 EBV、CMV、支原体等 肾小球滤过屏障组成: 带窗孔的血管内皮细胞 肾小球基底膜(GBM) 上皮细胞足突间的裂孔隔膜(slit diaphram) Alport综合征 又称家族遗传性肾炎 病理特点:肾小球基底膜弥漫性增厚、变薄及致密层分裂 CNF (芬兰型) DMS(法国型) Proteinuria,onset always starts can start at birth intrauterinely but mostly during first year of life Amniotic fluid ? always increased usually normal fetoprotein Placenta 25% of birth weight usually normal Birth premature(36wk) usually normal Proteinuria severe(20g/L with usually less severe magnitude a serum albumin 15g/L) Serum albumin 10g/L GFR normal during the first ESRD usually within 6~12 months months after NS onset Histology radial dilation of mesangial sclerosis proximal tubules contracting the after 3~8 months glomerular tufts tubular atrophy interstitial fibrosis DNA analysis mutations in the mutations of the WT1 NPHS1 gen


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