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毕业设计(论文) 题 目:基于双AD574数据采集板的软件设计 TITLE:Software Design of Data Acquisition Board Based On Double AD574 二零一零年六月 摘 要 随着计算机技术的发展与普及,数字设备正越来越多地取代模拟设备,在生产过程控制和科学研究等广泛的领域中,计算机测控技术正发挥着越来越重要的作用。然而,外部世界的大部分信息是以连续变化的物理量形式出现的,例如温度、压力、位移、速度等。要将这些信息送计算机进行处理,就必须先将这些连续的物理量离散化,并进行量化编码,从而变成数字量,这个过程就是数据采集。它是计算机在监测、管理和控制一个系统的过程中,取得原始数据的主要手段。 本论文主要讲述是基于双AD574的数据采集程序设计,两个不同的模拟信号通过两个AD574分别进行A/D转换,得到的值通过经过单片机控制来处理和显示。前端电路要进行相应的处理,用的是OP07进行精确的放大,转化成量程范围内的电压值,再输入到AD574中,同时单片机控制AD574的转换和读写,并将得到的数据进行处理和显示。程序设计主要思路是根据其原理电路图来编写软件程序,将重点以流程图的形式并结合实际的电路进行分析。在 Keil软件调试,分析系统的调试过程出现的问题,总结出现的问题,提出相应的解决办法,最后将对该系统的整体的总结和拓展进行讲述。 该设计结果是一个单独的采集模块,使用方便,快速。采集板的应用可在教学,实验,工业,林业,水利,矿山等各个部门,尤其是对于一些要求测量多个变量的设备很有使用价值,开拓了一个完整的数据采集系统,具有很广的发展前景。 关键词:数据采集;AD574;串行显示 ABSTRACT With the development and popularization of computer technology, digital devices are gradually replacing analog equipment. In the wide range areas of process control and scientific research,computer monitoring and control technologies play an important role in it.However, most of the information is continuously emerging in physical form, such as temperature, pressure, displacement, speed and so on. This information is given way to the computer processing, so we must know the continuous physical discrete and quantitative coding, which become digital.The process is data collection. It is the computer monitor, management and control the process of a system that obtain the original data. This thesis is based on about double AD574 data acquisition program design,that is to say two different AD574 analog signal through two separate A/D conversion. The value obtained through a MCU to display and storage. Front-end circuit conducts the appropriate treatment, using the OP07 accurate amplification into a voltage value within the range, and then input to the AD574, conversion and microprocessor of the AD574 controll reading and writing, and there will be the data storage and display. Main idea


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