职称英语等级考试理工AB精讲班课程(8第八讲 完型填空.doc

职称英语等级考试理工AB精讲班课程(8第八讲 完型填空.doc

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职称英语等级考试理工AB精讲班课程(8第八讲 完型填空

职称英语等级考试理工AB精讲班课程 第八讲 完型填空 本讲主要内容: 2008年职称英语词汇大纲新增内容(5); 完型填空例题解析; 完型填空在线作业; 2008年职称英语词汇大纲新增内容(5): 2008年《职称英语等级考试大纲》上新增首字母为e的单词: A 级: entail vt. 蕴涵, 需要,必需 entail – require – need 需要, 必需 entrust vt.委托管理, 委托 entrust –leave 委托 e.g. Ill leave/entrust buying the tickets (买票)to you. en- 使成为, 使进入...状态 enlarge(扩大, 放大) = en + large, encourage(鼓励) = en + courage escalate vi.逐步上升,逐步增强 escalator (美)自动扶梯 elevator (美) /lift (英) 电梯 escalate – ascend (B级)– go up – rise – soar 上升 2008年《职称英语等级考试大纲》上新增首字母为f的单词: B 级 fume n. 烟,气 联想记忆:flame (火焰) + fuel (燃料) – fume smoke 烟 fog 雾 smoke + fog = smog 烟雾 mobile(移动的, 机动的) + hotel = motel (汽车旅馆) 完型填空例题解析: Crashed Cars to Text Message for Help There is no good place to have a car crash—but some places are worse than others.In a foreign country,for instance,__1__ to explain via cellphone that you are upside down in a ditch when you cannot speak the local language can fatally delay the arrival of the emergency services. But an answer may be at hand.Researchers funded by the European Commission are beginning tests of a system called E-merge that__2__ senses when a car has crashed and sends a text message telling emergency services in the local language that the accident has taken place. The system was __3__ by ERTICO,a transport research organization based in Brussels, Belgium.Cars are fitted with a cellphone-sized device attached__4__the underside of the dashboard which is activated by the same sensor that triggers the airbag in a crash.The device __5__ a cellphone circuit,a GPS positioning unit and a microphone and loudspeaker. It registers the severity of the crash by__6__the deceleration data from the airbag’s sensor. Using GPS information,it works out which country the Car is in, and from this it determines __7__ which language to compose an alert message detailing precise location of the accident. The device then automatically makes a call to the local emergency services __8__.If the car’s occupants are consci


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