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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 强调child前不加冠词。 * * * * * * —Inversion Never will Z Y forget his first assignment at … Z Y will never forget his first assignment at … 在英语中,主语和谓语的语序通常是主 语在前,谓语在后。但有时为了语法结 构的需要,或者是为了达到某种修辞效 果(如强调、平衡等),谓语的全部或一 部分却提到主语前面,这种语序叫做倒 装。 倒装(Inversion): Here comes the bus. (全部倒装) Never will Zh Y forget... (部分倒装) 1. 用于here, there, now, then, out, in, up, down, away 等地 点、时间副词开头的句子里 面, 表示强调,即:here (there, now, then…)+ 不及物动词 + 主语的句型中。 Here comes the bus. There goes the bell. The children went out . Out…… ? Out went the children. 2. 当句首状语是表示地 点/时间的介词词组时, 也常引起全部倒装。 Under the tree stood a little boy. (1). A little boy stood under the tree. Never will Z Y forget his first assignment at … 1.用于 never, hardly, seldom, little, at no time, not only, little, 等否定词 开头的句子里。 2.用于 so, nor, neither 开头的句子, 表示重复的 内容。此句谓语应与前 句谓语的时态形式一致。 —Jack can not answer the question. —Nor / Neither can they. (2).—He has been to KM. — So have I. — So he has. 他确实去过北京。 (3).—He is smart. — So am I. — So he is. 他确实聪明。 Only in this way can you learn math well. 3. only开头修饰副词、 介词短语或状语从句 时,后面的主句倒装。 Not only do I know her, but also I am her friend. Not only is he wise, but also he is warm hearted. So interesting a book is it that everyone has read it twice. It is so interesting a book that everyone has read… Handsome as / though he is, he has no friends, because he is a liar. As / Though he is handsome, he has no... 4. 由as 或though 引导的 让步状语从句也用倒装 句。 (1) May you succeed ! (2) Long live China ! =Here comes the bus. The bus is coming. My wife is a teacher, and ___. A. so am I B. so I am C. so she is D. too I am A 2) She is not fond of cooking, ___ I. Neither / nor am I. Child ??? he is, he knows a lot. as / though In front of the houses ?? (stand) a tall tree. stands There seems to be many people in the room. There seem to be many people in the room. *


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