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中国女装品牌排行榜中国女装品牌排 .ppt

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It is a very large distributed system that allows users throughout the world to make use of its services. Internet protocols is a major technical achievement. What is Intranet? A portion of the Internet that is separately administered and has a boundary that can be configured to enforce local security policies Composed of several LANs linked by backbone connections Be connected to the Internet via a router File services Firewall The cost of software installation and support Mobile devices Laptop computers Handheld devices PDA, mobile phone, pager, video camera, digital camera Wearable devices e.g. smart watches, digital glasses Network appliances e.g. washing machines, hi-fi systems, cars and refrigerators Mobile computing (nomadic computing) Access resources while on the move or in an unusual environment Location-aware computing: utilize resources that are conveniently nearby Ubiquitous computing (pervasive computing) The harnessing of many small, cheap computational devices Discovery of resources Eliminating the need for users to reconfigure their mobile devices To cope with limited connectivity as they travel Provide privacy and other security guarantees Is the primary motivation of distributed computing Resources types Hardware, e.g. printer, scanner, camera Data, e.g. file, database, web page More specific functionality, e.g. search engine Service manage a collection of related resources and present their functionalities to users and applications Server a process on networked computer that accepts requests from processes on other computers to perform a service and responds appropriately Client the requesting process Remote invocation A complete interaction between client and server, from the point when the client sends its request to when it receives the server’s response Middleware applies to a software layer that provides a programming abstraction as well as masking the heterogeneity of the underlying networks, hardware, OSs and programming languages Mo


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