人教新课标版高二选修8 unit 1 a land of diversity language points ppt课件.pptx

人教新课标版高二选修8 unit 1 a land of diversity language points ppt课件.pptx

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人教新课标版高二选修8 unit 1 a land of diversity language points ppt课件

Write on the map the names of as many of the following as you can. 尽可能在图中标出所提示的地名。 as much as(+数量词) as many as(+数词) as…as possible/one can as quickly as one can as early as one can 1. The trip cost us ____ 2000 dollars. 2. He bought ____ 20 books last week. 3. You may take __ you like. a big following n. 一批追随者 the following adj.下列的 n.下列的人(事物) following prep. _____ the speech, there will be a few minutes for questions. I went to see him the _____ afternoon. The following _____ been selected to play in tomorrow’s game. The band has a big _____ in Europe. Compare your answers with other groups. compare one’s answers with sb.交换答案 compare…with/ to 比得上(否:with ) compare…to 比作 compared…to/with 与比起来 compare one’s notes with sb. 交换意见 beyond compare 无可比拟 My composition can’t __________ yours. It’s necessary to ________ English ____ Chinese in English study. When _______ ________ the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. There is nothing ________________ a nice cold drink when you get home after work. compare with compare with compared with to compare with Native Americans California is ___ third largest state in the USA but has the largest population (over 30 million people).__ is also the most multicultural state in the US. This is not surprising when you know the history of California,_____ ,at various times,has attracted people from nearly every country in the world. the It which In 1911 immigrants from Denmark established a town of their own,which today still keeps up its Danish culture。 multi.是“多、多方面、多方向”的意思。例如: multi-coloured 多色的 multi-racial(country) 多种族的(国家) multi-media 多媒体 multiparty 多党制的 multiparty system 多党制 multi-purpose 多种用途、多功能、通用 Exactly when the first people arrived in _____ (what , which, that ) we now know as California no one really knows._____(However, But), ____ (it, this, that) is likely that Native America


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