Changing Labour Markets Towards Real Flexibility The US Basic 劳动力市场的变化对房的活性我们基本.docVIP

Changing Labour Markets Towards Real Flexibility The US Basic 劳动力市场的变化对房的活性我们基本.doc

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Changing Labour Markets Towards Real Flexibility The US Basic 劳动力市场的变化对房的活性我们基本

USBIG Discussion Paper No. 004, March 2001 Work In progress, do not cite or quote without author’s permission Chapter 5. Changing Labour Markets: Towards Real Flexibility 5.1 The Changing Nature of Work As with the last “great transformation,” the transition to the “New Economy” of the 21st Century promises to create profound changes in the organization of work, families and communities (Cornoy 2000). The forces of technological change and globalisation have the potential to increase the quality of life and help Ireland and the world build truly great societies. But they also have the potential to transform societies and economies into segmented communities of haves and have-nots, increasing the level of polarization that has been created by the “old economy.” Any economic transformation will have both costs and benefits and it is important that both costs and benefits be included in any analysis of the “New Economy.” Too often we can get swept up in the high tech hype and only emphasize the marvels of technological change and world trade without fully accounting for the new costs created by the same processes that have generated this new material prosperity. In this Chapter we will concentrate on the changes in work, but it is beneficial to briefly look at how the “New Economy” will impact families and communities as well. Too often work is understood purely from a narrow “economic” perspective, including in our analysis only the factors that directly influence the supply and demand for labour, the determination of wages and the level of employment. Yet the full costs and benefits of work go beyond the wages paid to workers and the contributions to output and profits received by employers. The full cost of a worker includes many family and social costs. Productive workers need supportive families and communities in order to be productive. Families provide not only the social support for labour market participation, they also produce and socialize the nex



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