Concept Development 91 Cuyahoa Valley Christian Academy A 概念开发91 凯霍加谷基督教学院.ppt

Concept Development 91 Cuyahoa Valley Christian Academy A 概念开发91 凯霍加谷基督教学院.ppt

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Concept Development 91 Cuyahoa Valley Christian Academy A 概念开发91 凯霍加谷基督教学院

Concept Development 9-1 Created for CVCA Physics By Dick Heckathorn 4 January 2K + 5 Circular Motion a. If there is no relative motion between the train and the edge of the platform, how fast must the train move compared to the rim speed of the rotating platform? Circular Motion b. Why is the stairway located at the center of the platform? Circular Motion a. How is the size of the round platform and train speed related to the amount of time that passengers have for boarding? Circular Motion b. Why would this rotating platform be impractical for high speed trains? Circular Motion a. The platform is not rotating on its axis and the people are at rest. Circular Motion b. When the platform rotates, the person in the middle stands as before. The person at the edge must lean inward as shown. Circular Motion The sketch on the left shows some toy ducks floating on the water. Circular Motion The sketch on the left shows the water surface when the tire is not rotating. Circular Motion Now suppose the tire is rotating about the same axis while orbiting in outer space. Concept Development 9-2 Created for CVCA Physics By Dick Heckathorn 15 December 2K+3 Accelerating Circular Motion You’re in a car at a traffic light. The light turns green and the driver steps on the gas. Accelerating Circular Motion You’re driving along and approach a stop sign. The driver steps on the brakes. Accelerating Circular Motion You continue driving and round a sharp curve to the left at constant speed. Accelerating Circular Motion Accelerating Circular Motion Accelerating Circular Motion Centripetal Force p 40 Centripetal Force p 40 Centripetal Force p 40 Centripetal Force p 40 Centripetal Force p 40 Centripetal Force p 40 Centripetal Force p 40 Centripetal Force p 40 Centripetal Force p 40 Centripetal Force p 40 Concept Development 9-3 Created for CVCA Physics By Dick Heckathorn 15 December 2K+3 1. From Bob’s point of view, he is at rest and sees Suzie moving: clockwise



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