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河南机电高等专科学校毕业论文 PAGE 1 毕业设计论文 论文题目: 单片机温度控制系统与设计 2010年 5 月 1 日 摘 要 单片微型计算机是随着超大规模集成电路技术的发展而诞生的,由于它具有体积小、功能强、性价比高等特点,把单片机应用于温度控制中,采用单片机做主控单元,无触点控制,可完成对温度的采集和控制的要求。所以广泛应用于电子仪表、家用电器、节能装置、机器人、工业控制等诸多领域,使产品小型化、智能化,既提高了产品的功能和质量,又降低了成本,简化了设计。 本文主要介绍单片机在蔬菜大棚温度控制中的应用,对温度控制模块的组成及主要所选器件进行了详细的介绍。并根据具体的要求本文编写了适合本设计的软件程序。 温度控制在热处理工艺过程中,是一个非常重要的环节。控制精度直接影响着产品质量的好坏。本设计采用ATMEL公司的AT89S51作为主控芯片,温度采集则采用由DALLAS半导体公司生产的DS18B20型单线智能温度传感器,利用单片机,对温度传感器测得的实时温度信息进行数据处理,然后再经单片机串行口输出到移位寄存器中驱动数码管显示。本产品可以进行温度的自动检测显示,具有超高温/低温自动报警,自动降温/升温,数字按键设置报警温度等功能,改善了以往手动控制效率低下的局面,真正实现了自动控制的目的。 关键词:单片机;热处理温度控制; ? ? ? ? ? ? Abstract The single slice of microcomputers emerges with development of very large scale integration technology, because it has small , the function is strong , high characteristic of cost performance, applies the one-chip computer to temperature control, adopt the one-chip computer to do the top management unit, control contactlessly , can finish the requisition for collection and control of temperature . So apply to such a great deal of fields as electronic instrument , household appliances , energy-conservation fitting , the robot , industrial control ,etc. extensively, make the products miniaturized , intelligented , has already improved the function and quality of the products, have lower costs again, has simplified and designed. This text introduces the application of the one-chip computer in the temperature control of heat-treatment furnace mainly, composition and selecting to introduce the detailed one with device mainly of the temperature control module . And has written the suitable software procedure originally designed according to the concrete demand this text. Temperature in heat treatment craft is very important. Control precision effect directly the quality of the product. This design uses ATMEL AT89S51 as the companys main chip, temperature collection is used by the semiconductor companys DS18B20 DALLAS s


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