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摘  要 目前,我国传统的飞机进气风罩大多是用铝合金钣金件分块组合焊接而成,工序繁琐,生产周期长,而且其焊接质量难以保证,在飞机飞行过程中其焊接部位经常被吹裂。为了提高飞机进气风罩的使用寿命,降低生产难度,解决生产中因分块组合焊接而带来的质量隐患,本文采用高强度铝合金ZL101A和石膏型熔模精密铸造的工艺来成型进气风罩,并采用ProCAST铸造模拟软件对飞机进气风罩的充型凝固过程进行了数值模拟。 铸造过程的计算机模拟是近几十年迅速发展起来的现代铸造工艺研究方法,这种方法通过对铸件进行计算机试浇及工艺分析,能较快的发现决定铸件质量的内部因素,对可能出现的各种铸造缺陷提出预报,从而在工艺实施前优化所采用的铸造工艺参数,这对于指导铸造工艺设计、提高铸件质量具有重要意义。所以,为了实现飞机进气风罩的铸造生产方式,本论文对其铸造过程中的充型凝固过程进行了数值模拟。 首先,本文对新型飞机进气风罩的石膏型熔模精密铸造工艺进行了简单的分析。在此基础之上,建立基于Pro/E的进气风罩三维几何造型。最后利用ProCAST铸造模拟软件对进气风罩的整个充型凝固过程进行数值模拟,以精确显示其充型凝固过程中的充填不足、冷隔、裹气和热节的位置以及残余应力和变形。在此次模拟所设置的工艺参数下,铸件填充率可达到98%,这主要是由于铸件在凝固时收缩使浇口处产生塌陷,所以在实际浇注过程中要注意及时补缩。其他缺陷的数量以及分布也基本符合铸件最终的使用要求,因此,这种新型飞机进气风罩的成形工艺可以应用于工业生产。通过对模拟的缺陷的分析,还可以对进气风罩的铸造工艺过程进行优化,从而在实际生产前就采取有效的工艺措施减少或避免缺陷的产生。这种方法对企业的实际生产具有一定的意义。 Abstract At present, most of the traditional air intake hoods are welded by the aluminum alloy sheet. Its working procedure is complicated and the production cycle is long. Moreover, the quality of welding is difficult to guarantee. So, during the flight, the welding parts are often blown crack. In order to improve the life of the air intake hood, to lower the production difficulty and to solve the quality risks in the production due to the method of weld, in this article, the high-strength aluminum alloy ZL101A and plaster mould investment casting were used to mold the intake hood, and the filling and solidification process of the air intake hood was simulated by the casting simulation software ProCAST. Computer simulation of casting process is the modern casting study method which developed rapidly in recent decades. The internal factors which determine the quality of the casting can be found quickly by pouring and analyzing the working process by computer. To different kinds of possibly casting defects, the prediction is brought up. Thereby, the process parameters of the casting are optimized before the implementation of the process. It is of great significance to conduct the process design and improve the quality of the casting. Therefore, in orde


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