跨文化交际实训Chpter 1 Culture, Communication Intercultural Communication.ppt

跨文化交际实训Chpter 1 Culture, Communication Intercultural Communication.ppt

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I. Culture 文化 The most widely accepted definition of culture Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed through the generation in an identifiable group of people.(Hall, 1977) guatemalan weaving 危地马拉的编织 危地马拉是古代玛雅文化的中心之一。1523年沦为西班牙的殖民地,1821年摆脱殖民统治,宣布独立。1823年加入中美洲联邦,1839年成立共和国。危地马拉人主要从事农业,种植玉米、咖啡、香蕉、豆类、辣椒、西红柿、棉花等。在太平洋沿岸的种植园里,资本主义农业有了发展。棉纺、丝纺、编织、制陶、皮革等手工业较发达。农民的住房一般系用土坯或树枝搭盖的窝棚。食物以玉米面饼为主。白人和印欧混血种人穿欧式服装,印第安人穿传统服装。条纹花布长裙和带鲜艳刺绣的短上衣是印第安妇女的主要服装。印第安人的文化具有古代玛雅文化的一系列特征。 Definitions of Communication 交际的定义 Can you find a Chinese equivalent to the English word communication? Circle the item that you consider suitable. 沟通 传播 通信 交流 交际 传通 “沟通” is preferred in the field of management (管理学), “传播” in the field of journalism (新闻学) “通信” in the field of communication (通讯学) “交流” is basically used by people with psychological (心理学) background. “交际” is mostly used by people with linguistic (语言学) background we use “跨文化交际” for intercultural communication. But some people also use “跨文化沟通” or “跨文化交流”. III. Intercultural Communication 跨文化交际 Overcoming barriers to Intercultural Communication 克服跨文化交际的障碍 Hofstede(2002)lists five main barriers in five areas, which can help us have a better idea of the barriers we have in intercultural communication. III. Intercultural Communication 跨文化交际 1. Language differences Language learning is not only the learning of new vocabulary and grammar, but also the acquisition of culture competence: knowing what to say and how, when, where, and why to say it. Even within the same language, the same word may be understood in different settings. III. Intercultural Communication 跨文化交际 2. Nonverbal communication Nonverbal gestures, postures, etc. can create serious barriers in intercultural communication. People of different cultural backgrounds may have different understandings about the same gestures. III. Interc


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