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* Words Expressions (P82-85) experience Halloween Holland Qomolangma 经历;经验 万圣节前夕 荷兰 珠穆朗玛峰 (世界第一高峰) Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with words from the box. rush realize invite show up stay up 1. I was waiting for the school bus but it didn’t come. Then I _______ it was Saturday. 2. I woke up late this morning. I had to really _____ to get to school on time. 3. There’s a good movie on TV tonight but it’s at 1am. I don’t want to _______ that late. 4. Sally _______ me to her birthday party. It’s at her house on Saturday. 5. Do you know where John is? He was going to meet me earlier but he didn’t ________. realized rush stay up invited show up 1 One day my mother _________(ask) me to buy some cakes and meat. When I got to the cake shop, it _______ (begin) to rain. And I found the cake shop _______________(close). So I had to ________(run) to the meat shop in the rain. But when I asked for 1 kilo of meat, the boss told me that all of the meat _____________ (sell) out. Finally I got home with nothing, and I was all wet. It was really a bad day! asked began had been closed run had been sold Sample answers to Activity 1: 1. As soon as the bell rang, the students rushed to the playground. 2. By the time he got to the office, he realized that he had locked all his keys at home. 3. Mr. Green invited his good friends to have a big dinner at home last Sunday. 4. We have to finish the task before the boss shows up. 5. Jack stayed up very late last night. He couldn’t wake up on time this morning. 2 2 Look at the pictures and write about Ming’s day. A sample answer: Ming woke up at 10:00 o’clock in the morning. She thought that she must be late for school. So she got up and rode a bike to school was empty. She was the only one there. Then she realized that it was Sunday. Her good friend, Han Mei, came to see her after she had got home. Ming told Hah Mei the whole story happened in the morning earlier. It made Han Mei laugh a lot. M


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