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Lesson 10 Before and After September 11;Teaching Aims and Requirements ;1. Why does the author use two opposite before and after? 2. Which should go first, individual’s liberty and freedom or loyalty to one’s country? 3. What is the author’s attitude toward “National Security”? ; ;governments attitude and publics reaction;Dilemma;Organization of the essay;Part I (paras 1-6);......a new age of anxiety was born.;Two radically different eras;What does the Bush Administration do in the post 9/11 era?; ;The author’s opinion;Key Sentences;…the spoils of war include some of our most cherished values and liberties. (para 4) ;…who are attempting to colonize the future with their own repressive agenda. (para 4);…which assumes the public is thinking in red, white and blue, when actually the spectrum of emotions, ideas and opinions is, like America itself, multihued. (para 5);How beautiful Jerusalem is? ;No other place on Earth has stirred such passions as the barren strip of land on the edge of the Arabian Desert that has been called Palestine, the Holy Land and Israel. The harsh beauty of the landscape is filled with holiness and bitterness.;Jerusalem: A Light Too Bright ;The conflict between Palestine and Israel began around the turn of the 20th century. It is essentially a struggle over land. Until 1948, the area (approximately 10,000 square miles) that both groups claimed was known internationally as Palestine. But following the war of 1948-49, this land was divided into three parts: the state of Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. On the one hand, the Israelis seem to have a valid claim to having a state and to being safe and free from terrorism. Except for extremists in the Middle East, few try to make a case today for eliminating the state of Israel entirely and no one believes that a constant state of fear among the Israeli people is something morally acceptable. ;Yet, the Palestinians seem to have valid moral claims as well. They, t


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