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分支导管型。 * 主导管型IPMN及原位癌。 * 侵袭性胰腺腺癌由IPMN发展而来。 * Patient, female, 79-years old,with?tumors in the body of the pancreas founded by the Ultrasound。 CT shows that: Pancreatic?atrophy; there were multiple?round hypo-dense lesions in the neck and body of the pancreas,with?clear?boundaries and no enhancement?in the enhanced CT scan; Some lesions had a?little? strip separators and parts of the?lesions were?close to the main pancreatic duct;? The pancreatic duct?was dilated. 定义 胰腺导管内乳头状黏液肿瘤(intraductal papillary mucinous tumor,IPMT)是一种特殊的胰腺囊腺瘤,可分泌大量黏液导致主胰管全程扩张,十二指肠乳头部开口由于黏液流过而扩大。 相对少见的胰腺肿瘤 。1982年由Ohashi首先报道,此后陆续有一些报道,但对该病命名不同,如产黏液 癌、导管内癌、导管产黏液肿瘤等。1990年WHO将其统一称为IPMN( intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms )。 特点 IPMT多见于60岁一70岁老年人,男性多于女性,而临床症状缺乏特异性,主要表现为反复上腹痛、乏力、纳差、消瘦及慢性胰腺炎、2型糖尿病等。 特点: 1、胰管内大量黏液潴留; 2、乏特乳头部开口由于黏液流过而扩大; 3、主要在主胰管发展和播散; 4、很少有浸润的倾向; 5、手术切除率高及预后良好等特点。 病理 IPMT的基本病理改变是胰管内分泌粘蛋白的上皮细胞乳头状增生,分泌大量黏液样物质并潴留于腺管内造成胰管扩张。 组织学上将其分为导管内乳头状黏液瘤、交界性和导管内乳头状黏液癌。 根据肿瘤发生部位,通常把IPMT分为3型: 主胰管型,肿瘤存在于主胰管并其扩张; 分支胰管型,肿瘤位于分支胰管内; 混合型,肿瘤既存在与主胰管又存在于分支胰管。 CT scan of the individual D: presence of a 20 mm BD-IPMN in the body of the pancreas (white arrow). Main-duct intraductal papillary mucinous tumor (IPMT) with markedly dilated pancreatic duct with papillary projections that enhance on contrast-enhanced CT MRCP : a cystic lesion in the uncinate process of the pancreas (asterisk) and a communicating branch duct (arrow) between the cyst and the normal caliber main pancreatic duct. These findings are characteristic of a branch duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm and this lesion has been stable on follow up MRCP examinations for 3 years. ERCP shows opacification of the cystic lesion and the focally dilated main pancreatic duct near the cystic lesion. 影像表现 US\CT\MRI\ERCP\MRCP。 MRI在其分型方面优于CT。 IPMT影像上主要表现为单房或多房囊性肿瘤,常伴有分隔及壁结节;增强扫描可见分隔及壁结节轻-中度强化。 分支管型好发于胰腺钩突,病变呈分叶状或葡萄状.由多个直径1—2 cm的小囊聚合而成。少数也可融合为单一较大囊性改变,其内伴有索条状分隔。 主胰管及分支胰管不同程度的扩张,在CT重建及MRCP中,可清晰显示病变与扩张腺管的关系,直接显示病变与扩张的胰管相通有利于本病的诊断与鉴别诊断。 此外,IPMT常伴