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沌口小学修改意见校徽修改稿:校徽图片请放置在文字正中间。请一段中文,一段英文交错放置。长江之滨,百年沌小,人文鼎盛,古韵飘香。学校标识设计采用富有古韵的编钟与篆体的“沌”字相结合,体现“传承”“呵护”与“开放”。Zhuankou primary school is beside the Yangtze River with a rich and long cultural.The school logo is combined the bell and the character 沌(Zhuan font), reflecting the elements of heritage care and open. 传统的中国红和古韵十足的编钟造型,凸显书画为主体的特色教育,外环的两翼似家庭和学校,将万千学子紧紧环抱作呵护状,编钟和“沌”字都呈开放、流线状,尽显学校希望教育的真谛。The traditional Chinese red and ancient bells modeling highlight the calligraphy and painting as the main characteristics of education, the outer two wings are just like families and the school. Thousands of students will be tightly surrounded by care, which is the true meaning of our education.2、学校简介请修改为:插入图片“沌口小学剪影”,请放置在文字正中间。(2)请一段中文,一段英文交错放置。沌口小学位于美丽的东荆湖畔,始创于1926年,90余载悠久的办学历史积淀了丰厚的文化底蕴。Zhuankou Primary School is located in the beautiful Donging Lake, founded in 1926.90 years school history has accumulated a huge cultural heritage. 学校现有教学班32个,在校学生1537名,教职员工92名,其中高级教师60人,省市区骨干教师40人。学校占地面积24599平方米,创客教室、科学探究室等专用教室一应俱全。The school has 32 teaching classes, 1537 students, 92 faculty members, including 60 senior teachers, 40 provincial and municipal key teachers. School covers an area of 24599 square meters. Creative guest classrooms, scientific inquiry rooms and other special classrooms are available. 学校秉承“给成长加点希望,为未来增添荣光”的办学理念,以“一所有梦想的学校,一个梦想可以实现的地方”的办学愿景,开创了学校工作的新局面。Adhering to the adding hope to children’s grow, adding glory to the future school philosophy. The school vision is to be a dream school, and all the dreams can be achieved in it. A new situation has been created in the school work.学校始终坚持开放发展、兼容并蓄的国际化视角,大力开展教育国际化交流与合作,实现教育引领,打造生态化、信息化、国际化、特色化的现代化学校。To achieve to leading education and create ecological and internationalized modern school, the school has always adhered to the international outlook of open and development and vigorously carries out international exchanges and cooperation in education.3、亮点特色部分小标题已翻译成英文,请中英文搭配。文字已经精简,请采用以下文字。并且每段文字也增加了图片,请将文字与相应的图片相对应。学校亮点特色翰墨


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