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题 目 A3000实验台液位模糊控制系统设计 学生姓名 学 号 专业班级 指导教师 学 院 答辩日期 摘 要 液位控制作为过程控制的典型,具有大滞后、非线性、时变等特点,目前,在实际的液位控制中,多采用传统的PID控制方法。但是,对于滞后系统,难以调整合适的PID参数,很难达到理想的控制效果。模糊控制具有不依赖于精确的数学模型、适应性强及鲁棒性好等优点,因此,适用于非线性系统。 本设计首先对水箱液位控制系统分别进行机理建模和实验建模,然后设计了液位模糊控制系统,并针对液位控制系统特征,选取合适的模糊控制规则和隶属度函数,进行了模糊控制器的设计,且计算了模糊控制表。然后通过西门子SIMATIC S7-200 PLC系统及其组态软件STEP7编程实现了模糊控制算法。最后利用组态王软件进行液位控制系统上位组态的开发,并进行了上、下位之间的通讯设计,实现了控制系统的上位监视和运行控制作用。 关键词:过程控制;液位控制;模糊控制;PLC;组态王 Abstract As a typical case of process control .Level control has the characteristics of large delay ,nonlinear, time-varying .At present ,the traditional PID control method are used in the actual liquid level contr01.However,it is difficult to adjust the appropriate PID parameters for delay system and also difficult to achieve the desired control effect. Fuzzy control does not rely on the mathematical model of the controlled object .its adaptability and robustness are better ,So its suitable for nonlinear systems. In this excogitation ,firstly ,we build a model of water tank of liquid level control system by using the means of mechanism modeling and test modeling respectively, and then have designed a level fuzzy control system. Secondly ,for the liquid level control system ,the fuzzy controller is designed after appropriate membership functions and fuzzy control rulers ,and the fuzzy control table is calculated. By S7-200 PLC control system and configuration software STEP 7 programming realized fuzzy control algorithm. Finally, King view is choosed to development the PC monitoring system of the liquid level control system., and we design the communication between PC and lower machine , thus we achieve the goal of monitoring by the upper control system and realize the operation control function of the control system. Keywords: process control; level control; fuzzy control; King view 目录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 过程控制概述 1 1.2 背景知识 1 1.2.1 模糊控制的应用现状及发展趋势 1 1.2.2 PLC的发展状况 3 1.3 选题背景


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