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明朝刑部审判权研究 (硕士论文摘要) 大明王朝在中国历史上是一个十分重要的王朝,在明朝君主集权的政治体制高度发展和成熟,地方之权集于中央,中央之权集于皇帝。在这种历史背景下,明朝刑部的审判权也极具历史特色。虽然明朝开国之初主要制度承继元朝,但是其不久就在实践中自创了一套新的刑部制度。在这种新的制度下,不但明朝刑部的建制大异于唐宋,而且其职掌也发生了巨大变化,刑部由唐朝的中央司法行政机关变成了明朝的中央司法审判机关。刑部的审判权在明朝中央司法审判权中占有独特的地位,可以说是明朝中央审判权的核心之一。 本文的第一章为明朝刑部及其审判权的介绍部分,主要讲述了明朝刑部的沿革与建制,明朝三法司的概况以及刑部审判权在其中的地位。 本文的第二章为刑部审判权直接行使方式的研究,具体而言分为京师案件的审判,直隶和各省案件的复核以及参加三司会审三部分,这皆可以看作是刑部在京师直接行使审判权的方式。 本文的第三章为明朝刑部广义审判权行使方式的论述,具体分为明朝审录制度概述,以及明朝京师的审录与地方的审录两大部分。 本文的第四章为明朝刑部审判权制约因素的分析,分为制度下的内阁、大理寺与皇权专制下的内廷宦官、厂卫两部分。 [关键词]:明朝 刑部 审判权 Study on the Jurisdiction of XingBu in the Ming Dynasty Abstract Major: Juris Master Direction: Chinese Legal system history Author: Yao Jun Tutor: Professor Ding Ling Hua The Ming Dynasty is a very important period in Chinese history. The centralized monarchy political system has become mature. The power of local state organs has been concentrated in the central authority and the power of central authority has been concentrated in the emperor. Under this historical background, the jurisdiction of XingBu also has the special historical character. Although, at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the main political system is inherited from Yuan Dynasty, but the ruler of Ming Dynasty quickly created a new XingBu system in practice. Compared with this new system, not only the Subsidiary bodies of XingBu in the Ming Dynasty is very different from the Tang and Song Dynasty, but also the functions have changed a lot. The XingBu of Ming Dynasty has changed into the central judicial authority compared with the central administration of judicial authority. The jurisdiction of XingBu has the unique status in the Ming Dynasty’s justice system, and can be described one of the central core of jurisdiction. Chapter I of this article mainly introdues the XingBu in Ming Dynasty and its jurisdiction. The first part traces the history of the XingBu in Ming Dynasty, the second part describes the overview of


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