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作者:姜效韦 指导老师:Esther Young from Yale University 文章来源:戏剧艺术网 Background and objective: Zhu Yingtai was born in a wealthy squire family in Shangyu county, east China Zhejiang province. When the girl grew up, she became beautiful, smart and sometimes willful. As she was the only child in the family, the father loved her very much. He chose many suitors for her; however, none of the candidates could touch the girl’s heart. Zhu had an idea. She put forward to attend a school and then find an ideal man to marry by herself. Her father thought it as nonsense at first, for at that time, attending school was exclusively for boys. Nevertheless, he agreed after her continuous entreating. Then Zhu disguised herself as a boy. During her traveling to the famous Hangzhou Wan Song School, Zhu got acquainted with a young scholar, Liang Shanbo, who was both talented and virtuous. Fortunately, Liang was also to go to the famous academy, where they both enrolled as students. Liang and Zhu studied in the same room and lived under the same roof. They treated each other like brothers. They had three years of merry life before Zhu received a letter from her father one day. She had to go back home, for she was told in the letter her father’s got ill seriously. But this was a shell game for her. Zhu tried to show her tenderness and love by all kinds of ways to Liang during he was seeing her off for a distance as long as 18 li (Chinese unit of distance, 1 li is equaled as 500 meters). But Liang was too dull to realize anything, as he had never doubted that Zhu is a boy. This is one of the most vivid description of the story, known as “18 li seeing off” to Chinese people. Arriving at home, Zhu found her father was not ill at all. He had engaged her to a son of a rich family. This time Zhu’s objections became pale and helpless. When Liang became aware of Zhu, actually, was a girl and he had been fallen in love with her so deeply, he was filled with grief and regret, and then died after mon


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