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什么是连词? 用于连接单词,短语或句子的词语 并列连词 表并弄关系的连词: 1. and 和,而且 基本用法:表并列 I like apples and oranges. 祈使句后用and, 有条件句作用 此时and= if you… you will… Study hard, and you will pass the exam. Go straight, and you will see the library. 并列连词 2. both… and… 既…也…, 两者都 (谓语用复数) Both you and Jim are from England. She can speak both French and English. 3. neither… nor 既不…也不…, 两者都不… 连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词与最近的主语保持一致。 Neither I nor he likes this song. 并列连词 4.Not only… but also…不但…而且… (就近原则) Not only the mother but also the children are ill. He not only washed the clothes but also cleaned the room 5. as well as… 与…一样,也 1) 用来连接并列的主语时,谓语动词要与前一主语保持一致 Helen as well as I is going to HK next week. 2) 如as well as 前是不定式,那其后面也应是不定式,但to省略 Her mother asks her to do the housework as well as (to) look after her sister. 二,表示选择关系的连词 1. either…or 要么…要么… 不是…就是… (就近原则) Either you or I am going there tomorrow. She is either drunk or mad. Either you or she attends the meeting. 2. or 还是,或者,否则 Is she a teacher or a student? Hurry up, or we will miss the bus. 3. otherwise 否则 (可与or 互换) Get up quickly, otherwise you will be late for school. 三,表示转折关系的连词 but 但是 he is old, but he is very healthy. however 然而,但是,可放在句首,中,末, 通常用逗号隔开,作插入语。 My room is small, however, it’s very comfortable. while 然而,而 I am good at swimming while he is good at running. yet, 然而,可是 He studied hard, yet he fail the exam.           四,表示因果关系的连词 so 因此,所以 (不能与because连用) therefore 因此,所以 (比so正式,常与and连用) for 因为 与because的区别: for的句子重心在for前的分句,而because重心在because引导的从句 It’s morning, for the birds are singing. (对,表推断的原因) It’s morning, because the birds are singing. (错,因为鸟叫不是天亮的直接原因) 但可以说the birds are singing because it’s morning. 从属连词 用以引导名词性从句和状语从句的连词,由从属连词所导的句子叫从句。 引导时间状语从句的:when, while, as, before, after, until, till等 when用来引导长时间的从句时, 从句中用短暂性动词;用来引导长时间的从句时,用持续性动词。当从句的主语与主句的



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