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我国刑事诉讼心理测试问题研究——以未成年人刑事诉讼运用为视角 (硕士论文摘要) 刑事诉讼测试标来测个测试结为诉讼参考国内许学专验证发现该类较,测试结不仅能反轮对较诊断而且还我们自杀脱逃为倾预测 Research on Chinese Criminal Psychological Test ——The use of minors in criminal proceeding for the perspective (Abstract of the Paper of LLM Degree) Criminal proceedings against the suspects belong to the psychological tests in psychology, a psychological test application areas, it is the use of standardized scales to measure criminal suspects intelligence, personality and other personality characteristics, and put the results of the test job as a criminal reference. Much psychology experts at home and abroad to verify that such scales have high reliability and validity of the test results can not only reflect the personality of the offenders basic outline, and their mental deficiency to make more accurate diagnosis, and also allows us to know whether the offender has committed suicide, escape behavior, such as the tendency to re-Whether or not prediction crime. Specific to the juvenile criminal suspects, the reason why this group of road to a life of crime not only has a profound social, family and educational reasons, their own mental state is also one of the reasons that can not be ignored. Traditional theory is usually only from the perspective of external factors, put the main blame on Juvenile Delinquency immature, vulnerable to external adverse environmental impact. In fact, juvenile crime, especially in the mental existence of the psychological characteristics of congenital defects are even more people are resorting to crime minors cause of the potential road conditions can not be ignored. Ignored this problem, it will enable members of the judiciary from the source can not really grasp the situation of juvenile crime have intrinsic reasons, is not conducive to education, reform policy implementation. Therefore, in the education, punishment as a supplement to implement the process of policy implementation, judicial officers do not want to ed



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