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摘要 在炼焦生产过程中,焦炉集气管压力是一个非常重要的参数,它的稳定性直接影响着焦炉的使用寿命和焦炭的质量。焦炉集气管压力系统是一个具有强干扰、多耦合、时变、非线性的复杂多变量系统,经典的PID 控制虽然其结构简单,工作稳定,技术上也比较成熟,但对于需要快速抑制扰动、时变、非线性系统则不能获得理想的控制效果。 模型预测控制是近年来发展起来的一种计算机控制的先进算法。它对模型的要求较低,可以适用于各种复杂的工业对象。由于它采用多步预测、滚动优化和反馈校正的控制策略,因而能够很好的抑制集气管系统的干扰性、耦合性、时变性等不利因素对系统的影响,从而能够增加系统的快速性、稳定性和鲁棒性。本文介绍了模型预测控制在炼焦炉集气管压力控制系统中的应用,最后利用MATLAB 得出了比较满意的仿真效果,表明了模型预测控制在集气管压力控制系统中应用的合理性和有效性。 关键词:焦炉;集气管压力;模型预测控制;耦合 Abstract In coking production process, the pressure of coke oven gas collector is a very important parameter whose stability directly affects the using life of coke oven and the quality of coking products. Coke oven gas collector system is a strong interference, much coupling, time-varying and the complex nonlinear multivariable system. The traditional PID control has simple structure, stable service behavior and comparatively mature technologies, but for quick disturbance rejection, time-varying and nonlinear, the PID control system cannot get a satisfactory result. Model predictive control is a kind of advanced computer control technology, which is developed in resent years. It has low requirements of the model, but can be applied to various complex industrial process. Because of using multi-step forecast, rolling optimization and feedback adjusting control strategy, it can inhibit the influence such as confounding, coupling and dynamicity in the system. Then the system of quickness, stability and robustness will be increased. This thesis introduces the usage of MPC in the gas collector control system in coking process. Finally the satisfactory simulation result is obtained by MATLAB, and it shows that the MPC is reasonable and effective in the application of gas collector pressure control system.


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