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硕士研究生学位论文 题目: 半导体激光稳频的长期锁定与集成化技术研究 摘要 本文设计了高性能的集成化半导体激光稳频器,发展了半导体激光稳频的长期锁定技术,实现了连续锁定时间长、短期稳定度高的半导体激光稳频系统。 一 设计了高性能的集成化半导体激光稳频器: 1 整体规划稳频伺服电路的结构,完成各部分的电路设计和仿真; 2 将伺服电路的所有功能单元集成到小型电路板上,并安装在操作界面友好的模块盒内; 3 集成化的设计保证了稳频器的高可靠性及便携性,使其具备商业化应用潜力。 二 发展了半导体激光稳频的长期锁定技术: 1 深入研究了稳频半导体激光器的失锁原因,测量了激光自由运转的频率漂移; 2 提出了提高稳频激光连续锁定时间的关键技术并应用于本文的激光系统,主要包括比例积分控制、PZT高压驱动、环路滤波带宽三方面; 3 深入研究了半导体激光控温技术,对控温电路参数进行优化,实现了高精度、高准确度的半导体激光控温系统。 三 实现了连续锁定时间长、短期稳定度高的半导体激光稳频系统: 1 搭建了两台780nm的稳频半导体激光系统及其拍频测量系统; 2 得到高信噪比的87Rb超精细饱和吸收光谱的一次微分曲线并实现激光频率的锁定,秒级稳定度达到了; 3 将两台激光锁定在87Rb D2线的两个超精细饱和吸收光谱上,同时保持频率锁定状态超过了100小时; 4 测量和证明了稳频激光的频率漂移和系统环境温度漂移的强相关性。 关键词: 半导体激光器,激光稳频,温度控制,频率稳定度,连续锁定时间 Longtime and Integrated Frequency-Stabilizing Technique for Semiconductor Lasers Tong Zhou (Radio Physics) Directed by Professor Xuzong Chen We developed the longtime frequency-stabilizing technique for semiconductor lasers, designed and realized the high-performance integrated frequency stabilizer for semiconductor lasers, and realized a highly stable and accurate temperature control system for semiconductor lasers through optimization of the circuit parameters. After two frequency-stabilized semiconductor lasers at 780 nm and corresponding frequency beat system were established, the two lasers were continuously frequency-stabilized for over 100 hours, and the frequency stability at of either laser was as low as . In addition, we discovered a significant correlation between the stabilized frequency drift and the system temperature drift in our experiment. In this paper, we first discussed the principle of the extended-cavity diode laser, the saturated absorption spectrum, and the frequency-stabilizing method for semiconductor lasers. In the second part, we presented the design and realization of our integrated frequency stabilizer for semiconductor lasers. Thirdly, we proposed and elaborately explained the longtime frequency-stabilizing technique for semiconductor lasers. We also conducted in-depth research on the optimization of


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