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★The Oral Cavity口腔 Deciduous teeth乳牙: are 20 in number Ten teeth in each mandibular and maxillary arch Central incisor, lateral incisor, canine, first molar and second molar Upper jaw Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ total 20 Lower jaw in. in. can. mol. mol. Permanent teeth恒牙 (adult): are 32 in number Sixteen in each mandibular and maxillary arch Two incisors, one canine, two premolars, and three molars in each quadrant Upper jaw 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 total 32 Lower jaw The paranasal sinuses and their site of drainage into the nose 4.Muscular of pharynx 咽肌 四. Larynx 喉 △ situated in the anterior part of the neck (below the hyoid bone), and extends from vertebral level of C4 to C6 1.Position 位置 2. Layngeal cartilages 喉软骨 Thyroid cartialge 甲状软骨 Cricoid cartialge 环状软骨 包括不成对的甲状软骨、环状软骨、会厌软骨和成对的杓状软骨。 Laryngeal prominence Superior and inferior cornu Superior thyroid notch 甲状软骨Thyroid cartialge形似盾牌,构成喉的前外侧壁,由左、右板合成。两板的前缘彼此融合成直角(男性)或钝角(女性)。左、右板融合处的上端向前突出,在成年男子特别显著,称喉结。左、右板的后缘均向上下发出突起,称上角和下角。 Arch of cricoid cartilage Lamina cricoid cartilage 环状软骨Cricoid cartialge 位于甲 状软骨的下方,为喉软骨中唯一呈环状的软骨,由前方的环状软骨弓和后方的环状软骨板构成,对保持呼吸道畅通有重要的作用,损伤后易引起狭窄。 Epiglottic cartilage Arytenoid cartilage 会厌软骨Epiglottic cartilage 形似树叶,上宽下窄。下端借韧带连于甲状软骨上切迹的后下方。 杓状软骨Arytenoid cartilage近似三菱锥形,可分尖、底和二突。底朝下与环状软骨板上缘的关节面构成环杓关节。由底向前伸出的突起,有声韧带附着,称声带突。由底向外侧伸出的突起,有喉肌附着,称肌突。 Muscular process Vocal process 3. Layngeal joints 喉的连接 Cricoarytenoid joint 1)环甲关节Cricoarytenoid joint由环状软骨侧方的关节面与甲状软骨下角构成。两侧的环甲关节为联合关节,甲状软骨在额状轴上作前倾和复位运动。分别可使甲状软骨前角与杓状软骨声带突间的距离增大或缩小,从而紧张或松弛声带。 Cricothyroid joint 2)环杓关节Cricothyroid joint由环状软骨板上缘的关节 面与杓状软骨底构成。杓状软骨可在此关节沿垂直轴作旋转运动,使声带突向内、外侧移动,从而可缩小或开大声门。杓状软骨还可向左右滑行。 * Unit 18 Oral cavity、nasal、 pharynx、larynx 口、鼻、咽、喉 1. Partse分部 △Oral vestibule口腔前庭 : between cheeks and lip and teeth △Oral cavity proper固有口腔: within arch of teeth ※Oral vestibule leads, by the space behind the molar teeth, into the oral cavity proper △ Anterior and lateral: gu


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