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大工14春《水电站建筑物》在线测试2 Great worker, 14 spring, building of hydropower station online test 2 Multiple-choice questions I. judgment questions (10 questions, 30 points altogether) 1. judge whether the concrete cracks through, generally use the radius of concrete cracking area and concrete radius ratio to judge. A. error B. correct Developing options: B 2. in the inlet way of the pressure front tank, the vertical flow is easy to occur in the forward water inlet, so the unit is not treated evenly. Therefore, the general field adopts lateral inflow. A. error B. correct Developing options: A 3. general desilting basin should have the necessary cleaning works facilities, or mechanical cleaning sand, sand or water. A. error B. correct Developing options: B 4. the main function of the air vent in the water intake of the hydropower station is to exhaust the water when the water diversion channel is filled. The emergency gate is closed urgently and emptying the channel to supplement the air in order to prevent the occurrence of harmful vacuum. A. error B. correct Developing options: B 5. of the two rivers flow energy in section difference, because the gap between the two section and the kinetic energy of head difference is very small, can use the differential pressure head of two section between the two units to represent the energy difference between the weight of water surface. A. error B. correct Developing options: A 6. the water diversion tunnel is generally affected by the freezing, and the water quality along the route is easy to be polluted. A. error B. correct Developing options: A 7. dam back pipe, its pipe wall to bear all the internal pressure, the general wall thickness is relatively large. A. error B. correct Developing options: B 8. the elastic resistance of surrounding rock is generated by surrounding rock and is a kind of active force. A. error B. correct Developing options: A 9. when the water diversion tunnel must pass through weak interlayer or fault, it should


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