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从《喧哗与骚?动》中凯蒂的?悲剧看20世?纪初女性的社?会地位 从《?喧哗与骚动》?中凯蒂的悲剧?看20世纪初?女性的社会地?位 内容简?介: ?Abstra?tCadd ?as the? entra?l hara?ter in? The S?ound a?nd the? Fur. ?There ?as no ?separa?te hap?ter to? expre?ss her? thoug?hts, b?ut eve?rthing? as on?neted ?ith he?r. Fro?m Benj? to Ja?son, t?he nar?ration? of ea?h of t?hem re?flet ? 论文格式论?文范文毕业论?文 Ab?stratC?add as? the e?ntral ?harate?r in T?he Sou?nd and? the F?ur. Th?ere as? no se?parate? hapte?r to e?xpress? her t?hought?s, but? evert?hing a?s onne?ted it?h her.? From ?Benj t?o Jaso?n, the? narra?tion o?f eah ?of the?m refl?eted h?at Cad?d’s li?fe as ?like. ?Cadd a?s a tr?agi ha?rater ?in the? novel?.In th?e nove?l, Fau?lkner ?used m?ultipl?e-angl?ed nar?ration? to ex?press ?Cadd’s? trage?d, and? the a?uses o?f it m?ainl a?me fro?m to a?spets.? One a?s the ?pressu?re fro?m her ?famil,? Benj,? her o?ungest? broth?er’s p?lete d?epende?ne on ?her. Q?uentin?, her ?elder ?brothe?r, ho ?had a ?speial? affet?ion fo?r Cadd?, thou?ght ex?essive?l high?l of h?er vir?ginit.? What ?Cadd h?ad suf?fered ?aused ?his lo?ss of ?mental? balan?e; at ?last, ?he hos?e to m?it sui?ide. B?esides?, her ?mother? and b?rother? Jason? treat?ed her? heart?lessl.? The o?ther a?use as? the b?akard ?feudal?ism an?d trad?itiona?l ode.? All o?f thes?e turn?ed Cad?d into? a pro?misuou?s, deg?enerat?e oman? from ?a pure? girl.? Hoeve?r, Cad?d’s tr?aged s?hoed a? fat t?hat om?en had? a lo ?soial ?positi?on and? ere t?reated? unfai?rl in ?the ea?rl 20t?h entu?r. At ?that t?ime, o?men go?t onl ?fe eon?omial,? polit?ial an?d edua?tional? right?s, the? ould ?not en?jo equ?al rig?hts it?h men ?and th?e ere ?not re?speted? b soi?et.Ke ?WordsC?add; t?raged;? ode; ?omen’s? right?摘 要在小说?中, 凯蒂是?整个故事的中?心,虽然没有?以她的观点为?中心的单独的?一章, 但是?所有的都与她?息息相关,从?班吉到杰生,?他们每个人的?叙述都反映出?了凯蒂的生活?。她所扮演的?是一个悲剧角?色.在小说中?,福克纳运用?了多角度的叙?述法来表现凯?蒂的悲剧。而?凯蒂的悲剧主?要来自两方面?。一方面来自?她的家庭的压?力,小弟班吉?对她的完全依?赖,而哥哥昆?丁对凯蒂有一?种特殊的感情?,他过分看中?凯蒂的贞节 ?,凯蒂所遭受?的一切使他在?精神上失去了?平衡,最后,?他选择了自杀?。另外,她的?母亲以及大弟?杰生对她冷酷?无情。另外一?个原因就是落?后的封建主义?以及传统的准


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