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威立雅水务技术在城市污水厂升级改造 和污泥处理领域的先进技术 Veolia’s advanced processes in wastewater upgrading and sludge treatment 威立雅水务技术亚洲地区技术总监 陈晓华 2010年4月1号 北京 SUMMARY 1. Biostyr BAF曝气生物滤池 2. Pyrofluid incineration流化床污泥焚烧 Biostyr slab 滤板 Biostyr nozzle 滤头 BIOSTYR main advantages 滤池工艺的主要优点 - Advanced technology, reliable operation, very suitable for upgrading 工艺技术先进成熟、运行可靠、非常适合水厂升级改造; - Low total investment and operating costs, power consumption of aeration can reduce 20-30%; 总投资省,运行费用低,曝气能耗低20-30%; - Low amount of works and costs, short construction period 土建工程量少,工程费用低,工期短 - Less occupation of land, low land-use and substruction fee 占地面积少,征地费和地基处理费用低; - Steady operation in the condition of low temperature and fluctuate load 在低温寒冷气候和负荷变化的条件下运行稳定; BIOSTYR main advantages 滤池工艺的主要优点 - High automation 自动化程度高 - Simultaneous Filtration when removing C and N pollutant 去除含碳和含氮污染物的同时可以进行过滤 - Module structure, easy to rebuild and expansion 模块化结构,易于改建和扩建 - Outlet water can meet reuse standard, reduce future investment 出水水质可达到回用水标准,节省未来投资 - Plant can be covered by handsome building, without any noise, odor and vision pollution 厂区可覆盖,建筑美观适用,无噪声、臭气和视觉污染 New plant upgrading Case studies 新厂及升级改造应用案例 设计水质和水量 Design capacity and concentrations Plant presentation of Xili WWTP VWS建议的处理工艺Process proposed 案例二Case II:BIOSTYR 曝气生物滤池 - 深度处理业绩:南京城东污水处理厂 Nanjing Chengdong Tertiary WWTP 设计处理水量、水质及出水要求Inlet/Outlet quality 三级处理系统工艺流程Tertiary treatment process 案例三Case III:乌鲁木齐河东污水处理厂中水深度处理建设项目 Urumqi Hedong WWTP upgrading 乌市河东污水处理厂中水深度处理建设项目 Urumqi Hedong WWTP upgrading 三级处理系统工艺流程Tertiary treatment process 案例Case IV:石家庄桥东三级处理工程 Shijiazhuang Qiaodong Tertiary Project 三级处理系统工艺流程Tertiary Treatment Process 2.3 European Regulation Directive 2000/76/CEE 欧洲指令性规定2000/76/CEE 2.4 Example of dry treatment 干式处理范例 2.7 案例: 深圳市老虎坑污泥半干化-焚烧处理厂 Case study: Shenzhen BaoAn Laohukeng sludge incineration plant a) 设计参数 Basis of design b) 系统设计方案Layout Thank you ! 谢谢大家 ? Average 24 h 97% tile (1/2 h) 100


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