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That’s all for this chapter! * * * * ASCII is pronounced “ASK ee”. * A-65 a-97 * 我国文字从古代的象形文字发展到今天的汉字,中间是经过多次变化和改革的;但是历代的改革几乎都是兼收并蓄的,以致使汉字越积越多。当前我国文字之多是非常惊人的,比较常用的《新华字典》就有10000多个汉字;1990年出版的《辞海》有14872个汉字;1716年编撰的《康熙字典》有47035个汉字;郭沫若生前曾根据日本朋友的估计,我国大约有60000多个汉字;1994年出版的《中华字海》有87019个汉字(其中重复字320个);近来,根据北京国安资讯设备公司汉字库公布,共收入有出处的汉字91251个汉字。其中一级适用汉字21303个,包括国家标准提出的汉字、我国古今近1200个姓氏6699个汉字和当前乡村一级的地名专用字;二级适用汉字36581个,包括古今权威字典中音、义具全的汉字和十三经、二十四史等的古籍用字;三级备用汉字33367个,包括罕用字、异形字、音义未详字等。尚不包括杂书野史和各地地方志、名人笔记等自造汉字;还有正、草、隶、篆不同写法的异体字、同义字等。单据《说文解字》中就有别体字147个。有人估计实际汉字约在10万个以上;也有人估计在120000个以上;我国究竟有多少汉字至今尚没有定论。 * * * * * * Example Add two floats:0 101100000000000000000000 01100000000000000000000 Solution The exponents are 5 and 3. The numbers are:+25 × 1.1011 and +23 × 1.011Make the exponents the same.(+25 × 1.1011)+ (+25× 0.01011) ? +25 × 10.00001After normalization +26 × 1.000001, which is stored as:0 000001000000000000000000 Logical Operations Some essential concepts Each logical variable can only be True or False. In the computer system, “1” means “True”, “0” means “False”. It’s a red tulip ! It’s a cat , not a tiger ! True False According to the number of operands they take, operators can be categorized as: unary, binary and Ternary. Some essential concepts Unary Input Output Binary Input Output Input Some essential concepts Logical Operations Unary NOT Binary AND OR XOR Some essential concepts A truth table shows all the possible input combinations of input with the corresponding output. x y x OR y 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x y x XOR y 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 x y x AND y 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 x NOT x 0 1 1 0 NOT operator The NOT operator has one input. It inverts bits; that is, it changes 0 to 1 and 1 to 0. Example Use the NOT operator on the bit patternSolution Target 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 NOT ------------------Result 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 AND operator Example Use the AND operator