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6.3 Macropragmatics 宏观语用学;Speech act theory The Cooperative Principle(CP) The politeness Principle(PP) ;Speech act theory 言语行为理论 1.Illocutionary acts[il?kju:??n?ri] 2.Classification of illocutionary acts 3.Indirect speech acts;1.Illocutionary acts(言外行为) [il?kju:??n?ri];;For example:;;This utterance can be used to perform the act of ending your employment.;;Actions performed via utterances are called speech acts and in English these acts are commonly given more special labels,such as apology,complaint,compliment,invitation, promise or request. ;I promise to be there at nine oclock.;;;.;So it is claimed that all sentences, in addition to whatever they mean,perform specific actions or do thingsthrough having specific forces. Austin suggests three basic senses in which in saying something one is doing something and three kinds of acts are performed simultaneously. ;;(一) “以言指事” (locution)---说话本身及由此而产生的语义学意义; (二) “以言行事”(illocution)---用话来做事或传递交际意图; (三) “以言成事”(perlocution)---说话后改变世界和产生效果。;;There isnt enough fresh air in here. A request of the hearer to open the window. The hearers opening the window or his refusal to do so. ;What speech act theory is most concerned with is illocutionary acts.It attempts to account for the ways by which speakers can mean more than what they say.It also designed to show cohereence in seemingly incoherent conversations.;Husband:Thats the phone. Wife:Im in the bathroom. Husband:Okay.;2.Classification of illocutionary acts (1) Representatives (2) Directives (3) Commissives (4) Expressives (5) Declarations ;(1)Representatives (阐述类) Those kinds of speech acts that state that the speaker is committed in various ways to the truth of the statement.Statemens of fact,assertions,and descriptions.;a. The earth is flat. b. It was a warm sunny day. c. Chomsky didnt write about music.;(2)Directives (指令类) Those kinds of speech acts that the speaker uses to get the hearer to do someth


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