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商贸英语:市场及市场营销 【实例1】市场定义Market,any established operating means or exchange for businessdealings between buyers and sellers①. As opposed to simple selling,amarket implies trade that is transacted with some regularity and regula-tion②, and in which a certain amount of competition is involved. The earli-est markets in history conducted bartering. After the introduction of mon-ey,commercial codes were developed③that ultimately led to modern na-tional and international enterprise. Asproduction expanded and became lesspractical, communications and so-called middlemen came to play an evergrowing role in markets.Types of markets include retail, wholesale ordistributors , producers’, raw material, and stock.④The term market is also used to denote a place where goods are bought andsold, and to refer topotential or estimated consumer demand⑤.【注】①市场,即任何在买卖双方之间已建立的操作手段或交易场所;②市场即意味着按规律和规则进行交易;③商(业)法(规)产生了;④市场种类包括零售、批发或经销商、厂家、原材料以及库存;⑤潜在或估计的消费者的需求 【实例2】市场营销Marketingis theprocessby which goodsaresold andpurchased. Thatprocess may be a simple act of exchange or an intricate, sensitive mecha-nism, whereby goods and the title to them are moved from farmers, manu-facturers, miners, and others who produce them to consumers.Simplemarketing activities began with the development ofa nonsubsistence econo-my and interregional trade①, includingcaravan and maritime com-merce②.Villagefairs, town markets, andpeddlers③were all involved inprimitive marketing activities. Later, generalstores, travelingsalespeople,and, still later, the 20th-centurychain store④became the chief marketingagencies. Modern marketing has evolved into a complex and diverse field.This field includesa wide varietyofspecialfunctions such as advertising,41mail-order business, public relations, retailing and merchandising,sales, transportation, wholeselling, marketing research, andpricingofgoods⑤.The aim of marketing is to acquire, retain, and satisfy customers.Marketers begin by identifying the market for their product.Then th


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