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学士学位毕业论文(设计) 城市公共自行车系统设计 所在学院:工程学院 专 业:工业设计 中国·大庆 摘 要 据最新资料统计,2010年我国人口达到13.1744亿人,总人口世界排名第一,而且出生率大于生长率,居住在城镇的人口占总人口的42.99%,居住在农村的人口占总人口的57.01%,0-14岁的占20.27%,15-59岁的占68.70%,60岁以上的占11.03%。因此在15-59岁之间的人口占绝大部分,而且上班族的人大部分都集中在这个年龄段。 在包括中国在内的各国纷纷制定自己的工业领域减排目标时,交通工具的碳排放正在逐渐成为全球变暖计划中最为困难的部分之一。而不同交通工具在运行过程中二氧化碳的排放是有很大差异的,如果将公共自行车(单车)“每人每公里能源消耗”设定为1,则小汽车为8.1、摩托车为5.6、自行车为0,由此可见,自行车属于零排放交通工具,值得大力提倡。[1] 落实“以人为本”的科学发展观,积极倡导“自行车”绿色交通。自行车作为一种不消耗能源、无污染的绿色交通工具,是一种可持续的交通方式,应当在城市公共交通体系中占有重要的一席之地。作为公共交通的末端交通工具(骑自行车转乘公共交通,自行车还可以弥补公共交通线路密度不足的缺陷,并向公共交通提供客源。限制城市汽车流量,减少汽车污染;促进节能减排,实现经济社会可持续发展。我国目前大部分城市典型的交通结构是步行和自行车交通占较大比重(50%以上),多种交通方式并存。我国城市的用地形态模式多为中心外扩密集布局,其用地紧凑集中,人口密度大,居民中短距离出行量所占比重较高,平均出行距离较小,这在客观上为步行和自行车在城市的发展创造了有利条件Abstract According to the latest statistics, Chinas population in 2010, 13.1744 billion to total world number 1, and birth rates than growth, living in towns of its population living in rural 42.99%, of the population 57.01%, 0 - 14 of 20.27%, 15-59of 68.70%, at the age of 59 accounted for more than 60 years of 11.03%. So in 15 -59 account for most of the population between part, and most of us have centralized office at this age. In all countries, including China, have set their own industrial field emission reduction goals, traffic tools carbon emissions are gradually become global warming plan in one of the most difficult part. And different traffic tools in the operation process of the carbon emissions are, if there is a big difference between public bike (bicycle) will each energy consumption per kilometer set for 1, it is for 8.1, motorcycles, cars for 5.6, bicycle is 0, therefore, bicycle belongs to zero emission vehicles, and energetically advocate. To carry out the people-oriented scientific development concept, actively advocated bicycle green traffic. Bicycle as a dont consume energy and pollution-free green traffic tools, it is a kind of sustainable mode of transit, ought to be in urban public transport system occupies an important position. As


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