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八年级期末复习题——单词填空专项训练 班别:________ 姓名:__________ Unit 5 Section B 一、根据语境及所给汉语提示,写出所缺单词。 1. There are no new words in the three __________(章节). 2. These __________(学生) all come from the USA. 3. —What was the __________(日期) yesterday? —It was November 19th. 4. —You’re standing on my foot. —Sorry, I didn’t __________(意识到). 5. There are no differences between the two __________(塔). 6. All __________(地区) of the country will have some rain tonight. 7. I didn’t know it until quite __________(最近). 8. I can’t understand her __________(沉默) on this matter. 二、根据句意,从括号中选择恰当的一项填空。 1. At last, she didn’t tell me the _________(true / truth). 2. At that time we saw a bus _________(coming / to come) to us. 3. At night there are _________(so / such) many stars in the sky. 4. John doesn’t know that man and I don’t know him, _________(either / too). 5. Mrs. Black was reading while her son _________(was sleeping / is sleeping). 6. Dale remembers what he was doing when Mr. Brown got _________(kill / killed). 三、根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. It snowed ________(heavy) all day. 2. Be careful! The road is ________(ice). 3. The meeting ________(begin) at nine and finished at eleven. 4. You should try your best to find out the ________(true) of the matter. 5. I saw a ________(fall) tree lying on the side of the street. 6. The man __________(beat) at the door just now but no one answered.    7. They’re happy because their sales __________(rise) by 5% last month. 8. Where did Kate put that box of __________(match)?  9. Mark, put some more __________(wood) on the fire. Unit 6 一、根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。 1. After a 5-kilometer race, she suddenly felt _________(虚弱的) in the legs. 2. When he _________(微笑) at me, I knew everything was all right. 3. My sister made me look _________(愚蠢的) in front of all my friends. 4. These businessmen are very clever. Don’t let them _________(欺骗) you. 5. The moon is _________(照耀) through the window. I can’t sleep. 6. This sweater __________(适合) me. I like it. 7. The dress


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