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七年级英语学科下册讲学案 总第 04 号 课 题 Unit1 Section ()’ability of reading. Learn to ask the information (e.g. nationality, cities people live, languages and their hobbies etc.) 3. Learn to write a reply to their pen pals. 学习重点 How to write an e-mail introducing themselves to their pen pals. 学习难点 What questions and the general question 教学具(媒体) Pictures, recorder, CAI多媒体课件 学习过程 学生环节 教师环节 过程学习 自主预习,提出问题 1. 预习课本第5页,找出你不认识的单词或不理解的句子,查阅工具书尽力解决。 2. 通过预习,你还有什么不明白的问题? 新课呈现,合作探究 (一)预习检测 1. 翻译出下列短语。 在周末 给….写信 在...居住 讲英语 做体育运动 一点法语 去看电影 一部动作片 2. 你了解这些国家的英语名称吗?他们的首都是什么?分别说什么语言? 加拿大 澳大利亚 英国 美国 日本 法国 新加坡 (二)学练结合 Reading.(3a) The students open the books, turn to Page 5 and read the first letter. After that, the students answer three simple questions. 2. The students read after the tape and go on answering some more questions. 3. Design a card about Bob. Ask individual Ss to complete it. 二、创设情境,导入新课 1. Revise the conversations they learned the last day. 2. Ask the information (nationality, cities, languages, and their hobbies etc.) 学生环节 教师环节 4. Some Ss say something about Bob. (三)合作展示 1. Work on 3b. 2. Divide the Ss into two groups, and complete the pen pal’s letter with the information on the slide more quickly. 3. Check the answers with the Ss. 4. Then close the books, See which pairs ask and answer some questions better and more quickly in front of the class. 5. Fill in “ID card of my partner’s pen pal.” 6. Do a report. My partner’s name is __________. His new pen pal’s name is __________. He is _______ years old. He is from __________. He lives in ___________. At school, he likes ______________. His favorite ___________ is __________________. 拓展应用 Make an information card. Then write an e-mail and find a pen pal. 2. Several minutes later, Share some writing in class. prepare an information card. Prize the better ones. 学生环节 教师环节 检测提高 A. 汉译英 1.想要一位中国笔友_____ 2. 住在山东济南_____ 3.一个有趣的国家_____ 4.14岁_____ 5.


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