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十大你意想不到食物组合   While some people know about these little tricks, the majority do not. These are small tips to help you improve the foods we commonly eat―most are recommended by top chef.   以下所要介绍的这些烹饪技巧,绝大多数人都是不知道的。这些小贴士可以让一些我们熟悉的食材变得更美味――大部分都来源于顶级厨师的推荐。   1. Apples and Vanilla   苹果和香草   Apples are very acidic and normally require some sugar in their cooking. Most people add nutmeg or cinnamon to their apple dishes, but vanilla extract adds a deep layer of flavor that most people won’t recognize but will certainly appreciate.   苹果很酸,所以烹饪时通常会加入一些糖。很多人在烹调含苹果的菜肴时会加入肉豆蔻或者肉桂,而其实加些香草精能够增加菜肴的层次感。人们不会意识到加入了香草,但绝对会感到好吃。   2. Potatoes and Nutmeg   土豆和肉豆蔻   Add nutmeg―just a little―it adds a depth to the potatoes that people won’t recognize, but will definitely like. This is true of   virtually every potato dish.   在土豆中加入一点点肉豆蔻来增加风味。人们不会意识到加入了肉豆蔻,但一定会喜欢这种味道的。这个技巧几乎对所有土豆菜肴都适用。   3. Chili and Chocolate   辣椒和巧克力   Add chocolate to chili. It deepens the meaty flavor of the chili while giving a strong base note to the peppers. This is a trick well known in the South of Us where Chili bake-offs are common.   在辣椒酱里加入一些巧克力。这不仅能增加辣椒粉的基调,还能加深辣椒酱的肉味。这是美国南方出了名的技巧,那里经常举办辣椒酱烹饪大赛。   4. Coffee and Salt   咖啡和盐   Add a touch of salt to coffee to heighten the flavor―this is a very common use of salt as it is used in virtually all dishes (including sweet dishes served for pudding). Just a pinch is enough to make a brilliant espresso.   在咖啡中加入一丁点盐能变得更好喝――这是一种普遍做法,几乎对所有菜肴都适用(像布丁这样的甜点也不例外)。少量的盐就可以变出一杯完美的意式浓咖啡。   5. Chocolate and Coffee   巧克力和咖啡   When baking with chocolate, add a little coffee―it strengthens the chocolate flavor without adding a strong coffee flavor.   当你烘焙巧克力时,试着加一些咖啡吧――这会增加巧克力的风味而不必担心会有浓烈的咖啡味。   6. Cooking Tomatoes and Foliage   番茄和它的叶子   Throw in a tomato branch―the branch contains all of the flavors that we love in tomatoes―pick a leaf and smell it and you will see what I mean. Simply throw in a small stick of the tomato plant and it will give your cook


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