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七年级英语学科下册讲学案总第 02 号 课 题 Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from? A2 课 型 New 主备人 审核人 级部审核 讲学时间 第 1 周第 2 学案 教师寄语 Never accept failure, no matter how often it visits you. Keep on going. Never give up. Never!即使再多的失败也决不能认输,坚持不懈,永不放弃。 教学目标 1.????? Learn the languages. 2.????? Talk about nationality, cities people live and languages. 学习重点 1.????? Word: language 2.????? Sentences: What language do/does…speak? They speak…./He/She speaks…. 学习难点 Ss use the sentences they learned to communicate with their partners about their pen pals. 教学具(媒体) 录音机(radio)—P3,找出国家及其语言的名称,并记住。找出你的疑难问题。 二.预习检测。 1 写出下列名称。 英语 , 汉语 , 日语 ,法语 加拿大,法国,日本,美国,澳大利亚,新加坡,英国,中国Step 1新课呈现,合作探究 Warming-up and revision ????? Game: “Where is Sydney? It’s in ….” One by one in groups. See which group does best. Pairs ask and answer the picture using “Where is …from? He/She is from…” “Where does he/she live? He/She lives in ….” 1.????? Greetings. 2.????? Revise the new words and the sentences with the Ss. 学生环节 教师环节 Step 2 Presentation T: They are from different countries. And they speak different languages. Do you know what languages they speak? Talk about the children on the map. See how many languages the Ss know and teach the new words like “Japanese, French”. Step 3 Task One 1.????? Match the countries and the languages. “What languages do they speak in…? They speak…..in China/Australia/…” 2.????? Work on 3a. Step 4 Pair work 1. Talk about some famous people about their names, nationalities, cities, languages, hobbies, etc. First T practices with Ss, then S1 does it with Ss, finally practice it in pairs. Some pairs make a drill in front of the class. 2. Ss talk about themselves with their partner. Use “Where are you from? Where do you live? What language do you speak? What do you like?” etc. Step 5 Task Two-Choosing a pen pal 1. T: Do you have a pen pal ? (Yes/No.) I have one . Show the picture. Ask Ss to ask me some questions about my pen pal. See who


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