英语必修5外研版me 3同步学案测试题及答案 高考.doc

英语必修5外研版me 3同步学案测试题及答案 高考.doc

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英语必修5外研版me 3同步学案测试题及答案 高考

英语必修5外研版Module 3同步学案(测试题及答案) 课时作业(二十七) Adventure in Literature and the Cinema 文学和电影中的奇遇 Ⅰ.单项填空 1.Mr Turner looked________he had completed the task by himself.But in fact,he had little contribution to the achievement. A.even though       B.in that C.now that D.as if 2.He focused on his test papers,________never________the same mistakes. A.determined;to repeat B.being determined;to repeat C.determined;repeating D.determining;repeating 3.He was________by the loud noise and a________look appeared on his face. A.fright;frightened B.frightened;frightening C.frightened;frightened D.frightened;frightful 4.Having walked in the desert for several days,we felt exhausted,but we had to find a pool before the water we had in the bottle________. A.ran out of B.ran away C.ran out D.ran off 5.—Can I speak to Alice,please? —________I’ll go to ask her right away. A.Get a move on. B.Hello! C.Hang on a minute. D.Who’s that? 6.It’s been raining for a week on________end,as if it would never come to________end! A./;an B.an;/ C.an;an D./;/ 7.Although Jim is well known for his sense of humour,he is in no________for telling jokes today. A.attitude B.emotion C.mood D.feeling 8.Young children are________about everything and quickly learn to imitate what they see. A.obvious B.curious C.anxious D.serious 9.The two boys________each other in appearance but differ widely in their tastes. A.are resembling B.resemble C.are resembled D.resembled 10.I wore my evening suit and turned up in all my glory,only________everyone else was casually dressed. A.finding B.found C.having found D.to find 11.He was dismissed,because he had been________to be punctual but was late again. A.warned B.encouraged C.allowed D.forbidden 12.She was invited but she didn’t want to go to the party,so she________an excuse. A.put up B.gave up C.made up D.showed up 13.Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas,wind and other forms of________. A.energy B.source C.power D.force 14.(2009年海淀一模)When M


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