1415英语外研版必修3同步课件Me 1 Erpe第3课时.ppt

1415英语外研版必修3同步课件Me 1 Erpe第3课时.ppt

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1415英语外研版必修3同步课件Me 1 Erpe第3课时

即学即用 语法填空 (1)The policeman got close to the bedclothes and tried to find out whom they________(belong) to. 答案:belonged 句意:警察走近那些铺盖,试图找出它们的主人是谁。belong to“属于……”,不用于被动语态和进行时态。 完成句子 (2)我借给你的那些书是我弟弟的。 The books I lent you________________my brother. 答案:belong to The expanded European Union has a population of more than half a billion people,twice as big as the population of the United States. 扩大的欧洲联盟有超过五亿的人口,是美国人口的两倍。 英语中表示倍数的方法大致有四种,即: 1)A+be(或谓语动词)+数词+times+as+adj.(原级)+as+B. ①Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。(亚洲比欧洲大3倍) ②Line AB is 3 times as long as Line CD. AB线段是CD线段的三倍。 2)A+be(或谓语动词)+数词+times+the+(size,weight,length,width,height,number...)+of+B. The ruler is three times the length of that one. 这把尺子的长度是那把的三倍。 3)A+be(或谓语动词)+数词+times+比较级+than+B. ①Their school is three times larger than ours. 他们学校比我们学校大3倍(是我们学校的4倍)。 ②After the experiment,the plant is four times taller than it was before. 在实验以后,这种植物为过去高度的四倍。 4)...times what从句 The production now is three times what it was ten years ago. 现在的产量是10年前的3倍。 即学即用 语法填空 My uncles house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours,but it is twice________expensive. 答案:as 考查倍数的表达法。句意:我叔叔在闹市区的房子比我们的小很多,但是价钱却是我们的两倍。“A+倍数+as+adj./adv.+as B”是其中一种,此处expensive后面省略了as ours。 基 础 巩 固 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1. The president,who g________ Egypt for many years,was forced to leave office last year. 2.You should discuss the matter with your h________ofdepartment,and follow his advice. 3.The farmers go to town to sell their agricultural p________ every morning. 4.This new cell-phone has several unique________(特点). 5.The 10,000 elected________ (代表)of the people helddiscussion for one week to solve some important problems. 6.The________ (区域)along the western coast of South America has been hit several times before by major quakes in the recent years. 7.Mr Brown is one of the members of the________(国会). 8.The supermarket has a perfect________(地理的)location and is very convenient. 答案:1.governed 2.head 3.produce 4.features 5.representatives 6.regi


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